That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy

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Title: That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy
Author(s): Lenore
Date(s): 30 December 2002
Length: 20 K
Genre: slash fanfiction, First Time, Futurefic
Fandom: Smallville
External Links: That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy (Smallville Slash Archive)
That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy (Lenore's Stories)
That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy (AO3)
Cover by Katkim

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That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy is a Clark/Lex fic. Katkim created a cover for the story.

Summary: Secret identities can be confusing.

Recs and Reviews

That Old Schizophrenic Jealousy by Lenore - She puts you in Superman's shoes, and by the end of this clever peek inside his head, I was snorting with laughter. It's a terrific piece of writing.[1]
