Talk:Xiao Fei Xia

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This page was mostly blanked without discussion; I don't know the fandom well enough to sort out what info should be returned to the page. --Elf (talk) 15:26, 2 October 2023 (UTC)

I reverted the edits. It looks like the information was deleted by an XFX who objected to negative information about XFX being included. Since Fanlore has a plural point of view policy, it is good and necessary to include information about what nicknames other fans have for XFX, even if derogatory, or what other fans blame the XFX for, even if incorrectly. XFX have a certain reputation, and censoring information about the existence of that reputation is not helpful for understanding the context of fans grumbling on social media about "shrimps". Some speculative statements about whether the xfx are solo fans or RPF fans was also deleted--if the editor has more information about whether or not XFX ever read/write RPF, that would be helpful information to add, but deleting it outright doesn't answer the question.--aethel (talk) 18:26, 2 October 2023 (UTC)
I tweaked the sentence about the AO3 ban, so hopefully that satisfies PPOV.--aethel (talk) 18:37, 2 October 2023 (UTC)
I found another cite for XFX being solo fans and updated the page. I think this is actually very straightforward, and I was just confused about Chinese fan culture and naming practices when I started this page: shipper fans and solo fans of the same actor get different names. I'm still not sure if XFX ever read fanfic, and if so, whether they read RPF. I think this question is relevant to the page because of confusion from Western fans over why or whether XFX reported AO3; if XFX were reading fanfic on AO3, it would be self-sabotage for them to report it, but my understanding was that they were not familiar with the website beforehand. That doesn't necessarily mean they weren't reading fic elsewhere. At one point I found screencaps suggesting that Banan wrote self-insert fic about Xiao Zhan? --aethel (talk) 19:42, 2 October 2023 (UTC)

little waste shrimp nickname citations

I searched Twitter and found people using the term "小废虾" in reference to Xiao Zhan fans. Using Google Translate:

  • "而她这个举措,自然挨这群乙解的冲。🥱 像我这种主张用创作表达对抗的人,非常理解站长的举措,她们的行为,和爆破ao3的小废虾没有半点区别。" (And her move was naturally criticized by this group of Yijie. 🥱 People like me who advocate using creation to express confrontation understand the actions of webmasters very well. Their behavior is no different from that of the little useless shrimps who exploded ao3.)[1]
  • "蔡徐坤的ikun肖战的小废虾够讨人厌了吧那我告诉你们,你们这伙酱红色饭圈婊子比他们讨厌一百倍!你们的行为,是对红旗最恶劣的侮辱!是你们让祖国母亲堕落成为了现在的婊子!" (Cai Xukun's ikun and Xiao Zhan's little useless shrimp are annoying enough, right? Then let me tell you, you bunch of red rice ring bitches are a hundred times more annoying than them! Your behavior is the worst insult to Hongqi! It was you who made Motherland become the bitch she is now!)[2]
  • 肖战的粉丝团体,代称小飞侠或是小废虾。(Xiao Zhan's fan group is nicknamed Peter Pan or Little Wasted Shrimp.)[3]
  • 唉,这些肖战粉真是够极端的,但这背后在资本家在博弈,肖战和小废虾都只不过资本家的盈利机器和挡箭牌罢了! (Alas, these Xiao Zhan fans are really extreme, but behind this is the capitalist game. Xiao Zhan and the little useless shrimp are nothing more than profit machines and shields for the capitalists!) [4]
  • 小废虾=小飞侠,肖战粉丝代名词 (Little useless shrimp = Peter Pan, synonymous with Xiao Zhan fans)[5]


  • "我倒是觉得,小废虾像是温家,妄图只手遮天打压ao3耽改圈欧美圈等。没想到小圈子居然忍无可忍,各个世家抱团联合射日之征,哈哈哈哈" (I actually think that the little useless shrimp is like the Wen family, trying to block the sky with one hand and suppress ao3, Dangai, European and American circles, etc. Unexpectedly, the small circle couldn't bear it anymore, and all the aristocratic families gathered together to join the expedition to shoot the sun, hahahaha)[6]

--aethel (talk) 13:17, 3 October 2023 (UTC)

Add Category

Cleaning up the Category:Chinese-Speaking Fandom category; can this be moved to Category:Chinese Fandom Glossary? Distracteddaydreamer (talk) 16:32, 23 November 2023 (UTC)