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Talk:Some nights I stay up (reading Ao3 fic)
Is there a term for this type of vid? Because I've seen a few of these floating around, like this one https://twitter.com/msmegalodon/status/1400275491672690688 that got 40k likes on twitter, and it might be nice to create an article about them -- Kingstoken (talk) 01:35, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
- I know! Perhaps "Lyric vid"? or "FanFic Titles Lyric Vids"? MeeDee (talk) 01:44, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
- "FanFic Titles Lyric Vids" sounds nice, this article, https://mashable.com/article/archive-of-our-own-ao3-lyric-song-meme/, calls them lyric vids or AO3 lyric vids
- I like AO3 Lyric Vid - will start a page MeeDee (talk) 04:18, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
- I know! Perhaps "Lyric vid"? or "FanFic Titles Lyric Vids"? MeeDee (talk) 01:44, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
- OK I've done all I can on the page. I spent some time documenting the early ones and the first few that popped up on Tumblr and Twitter. Some screencap examples of that they look like would be good. MeeDee (talk) 06:37, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
- Awesome, thank you. I'll see if a I can make a couple of gifs of the vids illustrating how they work -- Kingstoken (talk) 10:36, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
- OK I've done all I can on the page. I spent some time documenting the early ones and the first few that popped up on Tumblr and Twitter. Some screencap examples of that they look like would be good. MeeDee (talk) 06:37, 6 June 2021 (UTC)
Raw Tumblr notes as of 6-5-2021
- skimparker: AO3 is beautiful 😂😂
- accidentaloctopus: I present, without comment.
- fangirlsleep: This is art.
- wildedoesthings:I AM SCREAMING
- zampia: Why was this funny, what is mu humor anymore * whispers* I've read some of these
- delphinium-3: This is amazing
- corinnetags: Both of these are absolutely brilliant and if someone hasn’t done one for a FOB song, that needs to happen. (If someone has, I need the link).
- steelblaidd:I love these.
- kylaralynn: I recognized at least one of these!
- kingofthebouncycastle13: Is this gonna be done for Bohemian Rhapsody?
- anonym-potato:So, here’s a fun thought experiment. By my count, works from 84 different fandoms are included in this video, if you merge those that feel like they’d naturally go together or are part of one larger fandom (for example, putting ‘Supergirl (2015)’ and ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ together under ‘Arrowverse’) I’ve been involved in 11 of those fandoms. How about you?
- bluish-brownish-greenish-eyes: lollll ^^^ thats hilarious! tag how many of these fandoms youre in
- black-brokenwings: This is a masterpiece 🤯👏🏼👏🏼
- ghostglaceon: I love this, but shout out to the person that said "when I hear songs they sound like a swan" A SWAN, IM SORRY??? it's when I hear songs they sound like 'this one' oh my god did someone seriously name their fanfic after that? IT BETTER HAVE SWANS
- ghostglaceon: if anyone finds the post that does this with Cherry Wine plz hmu — I've been looking for it
- mandaloria314: Incredible
- i-remember-manual-typewriters: Some people are able to bend the space/time continuum and have enough time to create these and I applaud them for it!
- mctreeleth: The first couple of works that were published in 2012 I was like “wow, what a crazy coincidence that they used the same configuation of words” and then they just kept coming and I was forced to google it and discover that Some Nights by FUN is 9 years old this year.
- stephanidftba: This is incredible omg
- birkholtzlovebot: @wrathofthestag I SEE YOU
- stephanidftba: Good news, I'm working on Take Me to Ao3 (take me to church with fic titles)
- winterhopeinferorose: Some night I spend to much time on tumblr!
- unionize-catgirls: the fuckin fandoms hitting me like bricks. baseball rpf??? leave them alone
- kyrana-fau: Masterpiece. Peak genius.
- icanhazsims: American Idol RPF?!
- lahrateigh: Oh wow! That's so cool. And awesome, one of my FICS are on there! 😍
- the-unnecessary-commentary: The split cut to six extra fics titled "I found a martyr in my bed tonight" just fucking broke me
- jillsandwichs: @andillwriteyouatragedy ur in here
- hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon: AWESOME
- storiesforsorries: whoa. People are incredible.
- noraspancakes: glorious
- crewdlydrawn: This is absolutely brilliant not only for paying homage to the time-honored tradition of titling fics after song lyrics (or strangely), but for the ways in which it USES those, and the filler words, comedically. Just 👏👏
- its-a-teri-ble-world: I love this!! This is amazing!!!
- barry-thelich: This is awesome but you couldn’t pay me enough to read some of those fics
- lauramkaye: A) this is a thing of beauty B) titles are hard, y’all C) I absolutely lost it at “wailing”
- nereshai: I hate it
- paintedwarpony: THIS IS AMAZING.
- willyoujustletmebeawalrus: The wailing one I’m—
- derpyanimatesstuff: I’m losing it because one of the authors I saw is someone who’s fics I’ve read
- your-yvonna: this is the most amazing thing
- luckynote: okay so 1) I recognized two of these fics and that threw me off so much lmao 2) there are some buckwild crossovers in here
- brittbax: Thus is the first time I've learned the correct lyrics to this song
- theflashisgone: This actually functions moderately well as a lyric video.
- lilyfarseer: WELL THEN.
- clean-up-after-yourself: What an awesome video. 😎
- glitter-and-dustt: Wait why is Arrested Development up there? 🤔
- theoriginaljordge: I want every lyric video to look like this now
- constellrose: "I Sold My Soul For This?" Christian Bible - Fandom
- thepatentsmirk: The “wailing” made me crack up!
- rubixpsyche: I was waiting for a Transformers one and we got "Mhmm~"
- bee-of-jars: 🤔
- aotfandom: Omg amazing
- justchillaine: Oohhh oooh ohh ohh ohhhh oooohhhh ohhh ohhhh ooohhh ohhhh ohhh ooohhh
- swallowtailed: [id: video to the tune of Some Nights by Fun, showing screencaps of the titles of Ao3 works that match the lyrics. /end id]
- morethanthedark: HOLY SHIT IM IN THIS
- xandersomewhatsucceedsatexisting: wow this is amazing
- nero-neptune: baseball rpf?
- kickassgotospacerepresentcats: The most jarring part of this AMAZING video are some of the ratings with the fandoms 😂😂😂
- whats-a-terrarium: AGZGSGDVSHD MY FIC IS IN THIS
- saltycorpsefromhell: lyric video’s finally out mates
- lazygravez2: FANFICTION FOR THE BIBLE ?????
- sadass-fuck: Lovely
- ohifonlyx33: wailing. that was the peak moment.
- sadass-fuck: brb crying
- onceabluemoonwrites: @spring-emerald I started clapping so hard when I noticed you in this vid!
- indycaelumskywalker: If I ever NOT reblog this you can assume that I am dead.
- cryptidsamoyed: I actually deeply love this and I'm not ashamed to admit that
- bluishorange: @fidius I do love that song tbh
- midnightwolfdragon: The amount of different fandoms that make no sense whatsoever is amazing I lowkey want to read some of the them just because of my curiosity 🤣
- lightbluenymphadora: When I tell you I screamed at “I found a martyr in my bed tonight” 😂
- sundial-at-night: D) Outro E) Fade out
- wewantbeautifulthings: Pure magic. And yes, wailing!
- curious-kat: [video description: the song “some nights” by Fun plays while screencaps of various ao3 fics titled for the lyrics are displayed in time with the music. The fics come from all sorts of fandoms. It’s very while done.]
- smiilleery: and this is why fanfics and other fan creations are just great!
- the-old-fashioned-girl: outro
- conartisthaiji: [video description: a lyric video for the song “Some Nights” by Fun, except each lyric is an ao3 title. /end id]
- r3volutionary-queen: This was so good!
- kiwibes: This just showed me that apparently there is religious fanfiction of the bible on ao3? And I am both surprised that it exists and surprised that I did not expect it to exist cuz of course it does....I need to lie down for a bit.
- moki-dokie:We really like our song lyrics as titles don't we
- a-well-groomed-rat: I...I don’t use song lyrics, but I get closer to it every day...👁👄👁
- zom-zom: Is no one going to mention the Harry Potter/gossip girl piece?
- zom-zom: Is no one paying attention to this crossover?
- useful-boy: I did not expect the full fucking song, guys
- dexthtoyounglings: I think my body started decomposing at "wailing."
- fingerless-glovez: Ao3 is pretty great
- kimannebb: This is so clever. :)
- littlefootbabybird: I have clearly been singing some of these lyrics wrong.
- bitchofdarkness: Okay, but this is really cool promo for those fics??
- lildevyl:I don't know if I reblog this or not but if I did, I'm reblogging it again! I can't imagine how long it took to edit this!
- crowreys-wormstache: "wailing."
- a-problematic-peach: This is my favorite song ☺
- sbooksbowm: this is a transformative work in and of itself
- beneathisky:This is amazing! What Skillz
- hyper-fantastic: That "Mhmm" killed me skdfhdskhfds
- princewardo: IM HAVING A BREAKDOWN!!!!!!!!!!
- brooklyntobattlefield: Some nights I stay up (reading Ao3 fic) Inspired by the amazing Hallelujah video, I have created… this.
- anywaythewindblows4: The part with "I found a martyr in my bed" HAHAHAHAHAH
- iactuallytryingtolovemyself: THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!!!!!
- dr-spence-reid: Oh my god I love this
- luz-blonde-guyz: Love that there are so many story titles from different fandoms that this works.
- kiragecko:[Video shows all the lyrics for Some Nights, by Fun. as AO3 fanfic titles. The fandoms vary wildly, but only one line seems to give the creator trouble - ‘ And then I look into my nephew's eyes‘ has to flip between ‘I look into Your Eyes’ and ‘My Nephew, (Not) My Son.’ Every ‘oh’ and ‘whoa’ is part of a title.
- treeni:Why don't we do this with all songs?
- pastelstarstuff:about 1/3 of the way through this i started paying attention to what fandoms the fics were for and it just progressively gets worse i think
- primelinchen: [ID: the song "Some Nights" by "Fun" playing while Archive Of Our Own work titles of the lyrics appear in sink. /End]
- murple: I love “outro” and “fade out”. also “nephew not son”
- ravenclawpride16: This is impressive
- realityisruiningmysociallife: Shoutout to the cursed energy of the Transformers fic, titled Mhmm~ that has an expicit rating
- disasterhimbo: Tag yourself I’m mhmm~
- disasterhimbo: @realityisruiningmysociallife oh I didn’t notice that 😬
- larkfeather1153: I know i already reblogged this (i think?) but i just now learned that the lyric is "This is it guys/That is all" not "This is it, guys/Daddy's home" and i am. Screaming.
- rookshaisbi: wailing sksksk
- tired-geneticist:I’m crying
- peerpressuremademegay: [ID: the song "some nights" by "fun." playing while archive of our own work titles of the lyrics appear in sync. /end ID]
- bisy-backson: How is this even possible? It feels too perfect. Like how is there a title for EVERY line?
- howling-at-mirrors: That was...
- jlegaspi178:@voyna-i-miracles it just tickles me how the repeat lines are ALL DIFFERENT FICS, and the perfection of the “backup lyric” titles makes me wonder if you are actually in music/theatre. Some of them are just perfect comedy for something you’d tell an actor through stage-directions, omg
- crowsoap: It's also fun looking at each fics ratings
- thetransmascbadass: SKY KIDS??? Fan fiction. For spy kids.
- spring-emerald: @onceabluemoonwrites OMG! What?! HAHAHAHAHA THIS IS SO AWESOME! Thanks for tagging me! I didn’t even know this existed! Who knew my penchant for naming my fics after song lyrics would lead to this? I can’t!
- bowiecadmium: This is cracking me up because I have a series where all the story titles are lyrics to this song. My stories aren’t clipped in that vid.
- bloggerspam: wailing had me DEAD
- cannon-fannon: This is the BEST thing I have ever seen
- littleperyton: I never want lyrics in any other format
- fallenstarworkshop: Damn it this makes me want to write fanfiction
- bizzyizzyg: Why is American Idol RPF in every single video like this 💀 thats so cursed
- apiratewannabe: BASEBALL RPF????
- strawberrygiorno: [Video ID: Some Nights by fun. plays over a series of screenshots of titles from fics on Archive of Our Own that correspond with the lyrics. End ID]
- wrayofmoonshine: Anybody else just go through to see which of the fandoms you’re in?
- catbugaf: This is excellent
- pollyatsea: This is true talent.
- atomicblasphemy: @tigerwolfdemon21 2:05 that you?
- shaycastsseaspells: 1. This was my favorite song for years 2. I hadn’t heard it in a while before watching this and it brought back some really happy memories that are now very sad memories and I don’t think it is my favorite song anymore…
- tarantulapropaganda: BASEBALL RPF!???!??
- jeemy52: the absolute funniest part was seeing all the different fandoms and topics.
- oscula-sucre: truly incredible !!
- gl1tch1ng-reality: Did I listen to the entire thing
- cookieknights18: I can’t- I just can’t
- desertmint:these videos are my new favorite thing. may i share, from yesterday on twitter, christina perri's a thousand years by msmegalodon.
- glowingcrowds: high art
- onceabluemoonwrites: it's so cool!
- theycallmebobbob: This is genius 🤣
- thefirsthogokage:Someone should do a lyric video for Carry On My Wayward Son using only Supernatural titles. I know it's 100% possible because of another post floating around here.
- gilded-disaster: HP/Gossip Girl crossover 💀💀
- the-a-j-universe:love this song
- im-not-evil-you-are: I think the best part was reading what these were all fanfics for.
- viaspiderz: I love this
- ani-anonymuncle: 1,000 seratonin molecules
- imtherain: The time this took and the magic and the fics and I've definitely used song lyrics for titles before but this is just so perfect
- zoranathedragon: I’m just sitting here looking to see if I recognize the shows and books and such.
- legendofthehiddenbbc: "But here they come again to jack my style" as baseball RPF is definitely something I am fascinated to investigate. and will probably be upset by.
- atomicblasphemy: no, I meant this one. i may have messed the time tag, sorry
- starmancyrus: I was fully ready to say B99 was the most unexpected appearance in this video but then came the BIBLE
- vampirombie: hm coming to realise I dont know the lyrics to this song as well as I thought
- annoyed-galaxy: WHY SO MANY MARTYRS IN THE BED???
- prismacolor19: This is wonderful! Amazing job! 🤯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. I stay up late reading fanfics too! One time I stayed up until 7:30am reading and didn’t even realize the time until I saw sunlight coming through my bedroom window and looked at the time on my phone!
- 19agbrown: I said "Oh no" as soon as I saw this and realized what it was. And yet, I always love these and trying to pick out the fandoms I recognize 😂😂😂😂
- crash-the-mode: I have learned that I’ve been saying the words wrong...
- tamakis-butterfly: THIS IS A LITERAL MASTERPIECE
- songofpatrochilless: every single fandom was a kick in the face
- staygold-bebold: Whoa
- raccoon-is-my-spirit-animal: wailing
- iamsherlockedondoctorwho: Oh my god this is the single best thing I’ve ever seen!
- larksuibian" OMG this is a work of art and now my current favorite thing!!! Imma watch it again. Pure perfection!!!!