Talk:Narrative Kink

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Narrative vs. (or not-vs.) Bulletproof Kink

I stubbed out this page, temporarily forgetting about the concept (and thus the existence of its page) Bulletproof Kink. Do we feel those concepts are different enough they deserve separate pages, or should I merge some of the content from Narrative Kink onto the Bulletproof Kink page and turn Narrative Kink into a redirect page to the Bulletproof Kink page? --Sk 02:59, 14 January 2012 (UTC)

I vote for a redirect to Bulletproof Kink. The definition on both pages is pretty much the same. --Doro 13:54, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
I disagree. For me, narrative kink is mainly used for non-sexual kinks, while a bulletproof kink can be either sexual or non-sexual. Bulletproof kinks mean the reader is willing to read badly written stories just to read about this one thing, which is not implied by narrative kinks. They can (and maybe often do) overlap, but are not the same. --Tiyire 14:33, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
I don't see anything here that implies that someone interested in a particular narrative kink wouldn't read a flawed story that deals with that narrative kink. I also don't see anything that says a narrative kink can never be sexual. --Doro 15:10, 14 January 2012 (UTC)
Sure, a narrative kink can be bulletproof and the other way around, but they are not necessarily the same. They overlap often, but not always. Maybe they are used synonymously in some places, but from kinkmemes I understand narrative kinks as story prompts, in contrast to sexual kink prompts. Imo adding a "see also" on both pages is enough. --Tiyire 12:05, 15 January 2012 (UTC)
I added a sentence to clarify this. Does that work? -- Tai 22:00, 15 January 2012 (UTC)