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This seems to me like a Needs Less Canon situation - we recently cut down most of the summary in the Cloud/Aerith article for similar reasons. Anyone object if I take a crack at condensing this like we did for that article? Jackal (talk) 05:31, 10 May 2024 (UTC)

Go for it!--aethel (talk) 16:43, 12 May 2024 (UTC)
While it is not as incredibly long as the Clerith article, I agree it could benefit from a trim on canon. The bulletpoints could also be replaced for ordinary text, they seem kind of pointless. Alpha (talk) 21:09, 12 May 2024 (UTC)

Just saw someone complaining about this on twitter (I think??), so for context, the reason to remove canon info here is Fanlore:What Fanlore is not: The focus of every page should be about the fandom. Canon details are important if they can be associated with particular fannish activity or associated with a fan community, a fan work, or fannish event. Sometimes shippers want to add a ship-focused canon summary or detailed list of "evidence" for the ship being canon, but that is off topic for Fanlore: sometimes it's just a matter of framing (instead of summarizing the info you as a shipper think is important, explicitly state that the ship appeal for shippers is this or that canon element, which is commonly interpreted in a certain way or frequently used in fanworks) and sometimes the problem is too many canon details that are not relevant to convey the fandom's interest or interpretation. I'm not in this fandom so I can't say which canon facts are relevant for this page. Here's an example of a ship page for my ship WenZhou; it's a canon ship, and each character already has a Fanlore page that describes their canon background, so I focused on the canon ship dynamic and its appeal for shippers. Another thing is if a canon detail is relevant for a specific trope, you can just mention it in the trope section explaining that trope. Example: Wen Kexing's Childhood Trauma.--aethel (talk) 16:38, 19 May 2024 (UTC)

Didn't know this was controversial; I'm not on twitter. Anyway I'm open to arguments for putting it back! But the old version of this article spent what seemed like most of the word count on recounting every major beat of the characters' backstory and I don't think that's especially useful here, particularly since most of it comes from slightly obscure supplementary canon instead of the actual main game. Jackal (talk) 22:43, 24 May 2024 (UTC)
In my opinion it is good as it is now. Even more, I'd remove the trivia section entirely, or, at least, move it to the Cloti article on Shipping Wiki so the information is not lost (it is protected now, but they may lift the protection if asked, if it's for adding things). IMO, both articles complement each other nicely, one having the info that falls out of the scope of the other, so there's no need to have in the fanlore article more than a brief overview of how their relationship is in canon. Alpha (talk) 18:10, 25 May 2024 (UTC)