Streetlight People

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Title: Streetlight People
Author(s): ladyblahblah
Date(s): 22 October 2010
Length: 54,436 words
Genre(s): slash, Hookerfic
Fandom(s): Star Trek (2009)
External Links: Streetlight People (masterpost)
banner by cannedbonbon, excerpt from one of the illustrations

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Streetlight People is a Kirk/Spock story by ladyblahblah. It was written for the 2010 Star Trek Big Bang.

Summary: AU. Strangers waitin', up and down the boulevard, their shadows searchin' in the night. Streetlight people, living just to find emotion; hiding somewhere in the night.

Author Notes: "[...] It’s possible that I may have drawn the basic structure of Velocity and its employees from the idea of Companions in Joss Whedon’s Firefly. Additionally, Gaila's last name [...] was blatantly stolen lovingly borrowed from the amazingly wonderful So Wise We Grow by captanddeastar. (Go read it; you won't be sorry.) Now, in relation to the movie, the beginning of this story is meant to take place at roughly the same time as the recruitment scene in the Riverside bar."[1]

The fanart for this story is by cannedebonbon who made four illustrations (3 B/W, 1 color).[2] The pictures are all scenes from the actual fic.

jouissant made a fanmix for Streetlight People.[3]

Recs and Reviews

So the summary doesn't tell you much, but trust me, this fic is absolutely worth it! I honestly would have read it just for the author because I like her writing. So this is a 'what if' story, which is something I really like. It's very interesting to see where the author can take it. I actually just recently read one where it was 'what if Spock didn't go on Enterprise', but this one is for Kirk - what if he didn't join Starfleet? At the same time, this fits in the 'prostitute' category! Gotta have one of those in every fandom. XD I love how the author gets Spock and Kirk to meet, and how we get to see into the character's lives in such a page-turning way - normally I don't like it if it goes off too far into other areas, but it was done just right here. Absolutely rereading this in the future.[4]

LadyBlahBlah’s writing of Spock is one of the best I have ever read. I truly believe she has managed to captured the Vulcan logic with the Human emotionalism exquisitely in her Spock particularly in his inner thoughts. It’s a weakness of mine but I do love Professor Spock.

James is a capable young man who has carved out a successful career in prostitution. He is content and happy with his life although his dark past do keep popping up to remind him that he cannot escape it forever.

They meet in a bar and a slow, steady friendship grows and that lasting partnership we are always hinted at in Star Trek begins to take space. I like the slowness, the deep understanding and respect that they both have for one another. You should read this it is gorgeous in its writing and the gentle story of soulmates. I would have loved to see a sequel in this universe but alas…[5]

Jim the hooker + Spock the academy instructor = a long, satisfying fanfic made of win. The characterizations here are spot on.[6]


  1. ^ ladyblahblah. Streetlight People Masterpost, 22 October 2010. (Accessed 18 June 2011)
  2. ^ cannedebonbon. [art] StarTrekBigBang: Streelight People - art post, 22 October 2010. (Accessed 18 June 2011)
  3. ^ jouissant. Star Trek Big Bang 2010 Fanmix: Songs From Catspaw, 22 October 2010. (Accessed 18 June 2011)
  4. ^ tanomono. Star Trek Reboot: "Streetlight People" [Spock/Kirk, NC-17], 04 November 2010. (Accessed 18 June 2011)
  5. ^ "June 1, 2014 blog post". Archived from the original on 2022-09-03.
  6. ^ "Fanfic Rec: Streetlight People (Kirk/Spock, ST:XI)". Archived from the original on 2023-02-13.