Stepping Stones (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Stepping Stones
Author(s): ellievolia & sirona
Date(s): 05 August 2011
Length: 14,944 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, kidfic
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Stepping Stones (AO3, you need to log in)
art by Sirona

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Stepping Stones is a Steve/Danny story by ellievolia & sirona.

Summary: Steve is a full-time Dad to his daughter Julie. When nanny/babysitter Lenora gets into Yale and has to leave, Steve has to make Other Arrangements. Enter daycare centre Stepping Stones, proprietor one Danny Williams.

Author's notes: "So I said Let's write something easy and fluffy and For Fun and involving Steve + Baby, because THAT IS NEVER NOT AWESOME. And so the daycare!AU was born. Armillarysphere betaed this for us because she is awesome like that. Logo by Sirona."

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it:Who doesn’t love daddy!Steve? He and his daughter are adorable in this fic, and Danny as the gruff yet unbelievably caring daycare owner and father is the perfect complement. Add in some hijinks, and you have this great story.[1]
