Sometimes When We Touch (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Sometimes When We Touch
Author(s): Alexis Fegan Black
Date(s): 1979
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Sometimes When We Touch is a Kirk/Spock story by Alexis Fegan Black.

It was printed in Naked Times #2.

art by Edith Crowe for this story in Naked Times #2
art by Edith Crowe for this story in Naked Times #2

A Reference

This story was referenced in a positive manner in Sexuality in K/S Fiction: Internalized Homophobia.

Reactions and Reviews

Mirror Universe. An argument between Kirk and Spock over Spock's newfound vision of reforming the universe turns to battle - and then to passion. [1]

'Sometimes When We Touch' offers an interesting account of how MM Spock succeeded in recruiting his Captain into a dangerous battle against the excessed of their Empire; character changes and adjustment of attitudes are clearly suggested by both men, and it would be nice to see the storyline followed up by successors. [2]

I didn't particularly like the Kirk of "Possession," but he, too, was the brash, daring captain we are so used to, but without the compassion to temper the wolf our own Kirk finally accepted back as an essential element of his being. Perhaps this Kirk needed to see his lamb and accept that that is also an essential part of what is lacking in his own make-up. He recognized that quality in the other Kirk and his Spock did, too, and responded to that. The thought of losing Spock was just too much. But at least in "Sometimes When We Touch," Jim and Spock seemed to have overcome these obstacles and begin to see just how much they do need each other -- not only on a professional level, but on a deeply personal one as well. [3]

"Sometimes When We Touch" is the best of the mirror stories [in this zine]. [4]

I never particularly cared for the Mirror stories wherein Spock killed Kirk; there had to have been something for him to admire, something of the Kirk of 'our' universe, even though he didn't often let it show. Whereas "Sometimes When We Touch" did get Kirk's basic goodness, that he covered and disguised; did get the need to have someone -- just one person -- to live and trust; did have Kirk learn that he needed something worthwhile to fight for -- something he had probably never consciously though of before. [5]

This is a better solution to the Mirror Spock's problem with his Kirk. Somehow, they just have to end up together. [6]

Speaking of the Mirror universe, it was a real treat to find some stories involving same, although... I know it's a savage universe, but I think "Possession" really took it an inexorable step too far! On the other hand, "Sometimes When We Touch" made the whole thing look too easy. Pushing Kirk up against a wall and having immediately melt into Spock's arms is just not giving the tantalizing differences within that universe their due. Still, both were enjoyable and well-written. [7]


  1. ^ Halliday’s Star Trek Zinedex (TOS) - Title Index, Archived version
  2. ^ from Scuttlebutt #14
  3. ^ from an LoC in Naked Times #3
  4. ^ from an LoC in Naked Times #3
  5. ^ from an LoC in Naked Times #3
  6. ^ from an LoC in Naked Times #3
  7. ^ from an LoC in Naked Times #3