Snow Meld

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Title: Snow Meld
Author(s): Elwyn Conway
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Snow Meld is a Kirk/Spock story by Elwyn Conway.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #7.

This story was translated into Russian in Логика сердца (2017).


"When Kirk and Spock are stranded on a planet entering its ice age, a finicky transporter gives them time to think of their past, of the feelings long-hidden… and of a future which might never exist."

Reactions and Reviews

The first story, SNOW MELD is unusual for the author in that it is a very short piece. Kirk and Spock are plunged once again into a situation which quickly gets out of cpntrol. They beam down to an ice-age planet and the transporter promptly breaks down, leaving them stranded. While this is far from an unique or new idea, the treatment is quite superb. [1]

"Snow Meld," by Elwyn Conway, is well done, in Elwyn's usual great style. I always enjoy her work. There is an illo here that is nice, too. I did not see a name for the artist, so I'm assuming that Elwyn did this as well. Kirk and Spock are stranded on a cold and icy planet. When they huddle close for warmth, they must face their feelings for each other. The ending is very nice. [2]


  1. ^ from Datazine #39
  2. ^ from Universal Translator #30