Sisters in Smut Interview with Donna

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Sisters in Smut Interview with Donna
Interviewer: Sisters in Smut
Interviewee: Donna Honeycutt
Date(s): 2001
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Interview with Donna
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Sisters in Smut Interview with Donna was conducted in 2001.

It was part of a large project conducted by members of the Sisters in Smut archive, an X-Files archive with a focus on the character Walter Skinner. See Sisters in Smut Interview Project.


What was your first experience with fanfic?

Found "Missing Lives"[note 1] by Miki and Meredith on a banner of some other page I was working with - nothing to do with Fanfic at all, because I had never heard of the phenomena. I thought I was the only weirdo out there.

What made you into a Skinneroticist?

He's sexy - look at him! He's just not for Scully.

What are your top five all-time favorite stories?

By others – Birth Ocean, Abah Series, anything by Lydia Bower, and I have a personal interest in the stuff written by Jayne Austin.

How do you feel about fanfic in general?

I love it!! Wish I had known about it years earlier.


  1. ^ According to her interview for How Will It End?, the fic was Missing Voices not Missing Lives.