Sir Percival

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Sir Percival is one of the Grail Knights in Arthurian Legend. He is sometimes the son of King Pellinore and tends to have a number of siblings and half-siblings, living or dead, with the most fandom-famous being Lamorak, Feirefiz, and Dindrane. He originated in Welsh as Peredur. In earlier texts involving him, he is the lone knight destined to find the Holy Grail. Later, he seeks the Grail as a companion of Galahad and Bors, with Galahad being the greatest of the three knights.

Name: Percival
Occupation: Knight of the Round Table
Relationships: Sometimes the love of Angharad, Blanchefleur, or the Maiden of the Pavilion
Fandom: Arthuriana, Arthurian Legend
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