She Hates Me

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Title: She Hates Me
Creator: sisabet
Date: 2006
Format: xvid avi file
Length: 1:45m
Music: "She Hates Me" by Richard Cheese
Fandom: Moonlighting
URL: streaming version at the Internet Archive; vid announcement[1]

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She Hates Me is a Moonlighting fanvid by sisabet. The vid premiered in the "Digital Axes, Stone Age Television" at Vividcon 2006.

Vidder's Notes: "Thanks for this vid lie with tzikeh for playing the song and whatssnoo for saying this was a Moonlighting vid when it was played (and both for backing away slowly when I pounced). Extra-Special thanks and my first born child to absolutedestiny for taking pity on my pitiful titles and making them not only spiffy, but waaaay cooler than the actual vid. I am an ice cube, y'all. It is like one of my dreams fulfilled. Wait - that dream was to be Ice Cube, but his career kinda sucks now, so I think this is much better."


" "I love the vid - it definitely captures the relationship on the show, as well as the general vibe. The song is a riot! The change in Maddie's demeanor in each section is perfect - starting with all her best "ice queen" glares, escalating into her aggravated tantrums (hee!!), and then of course she *doesn't* really hate David. :) The last shot is SO funny." [2]

"I watched this for the first time when I got home the other day, and it filled me with squee. Moonlighting! Bruce Willis with hair! Screwball comedy stylings! Glee! Thank you for making it. I am immensely cheered to know that it exists. "[3]

"Moonlighting might have been my first love...and your vid depicts *everything* I adored about the show!!! I really, really love this!!! And, in addition to my other comment...this is one of those vids that is both appealing to my mind (technically brilliant and interesting meaning and...) as well my gut/heart (the song!!!! Bruce Willis!!! all the great moments ;-)"[4]

"I thought this was completely adorable. I think my favorite moment in it was David funny-walking behind Maddie, beautifully synched to the music, until she turns around and glares and he does that 'me? what?' thing. Just a delightful vid. "[5]

"sherrold: okay, the song version is freakin' me out -- a lounge version of Puddle of Mudd? But it's perfect for Moonlighting.
