Shall Pass Through Fire and Water

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Title: Shall Pass Through Fire and Water
Author(s): zinfic
Date(s): 12 April 2011
Length: ~2000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Shall Pass Through Fire and Water (LJ)

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Shall Pass Through Fire and Water is a Steve/Danny story by zinfic.

Summary: Steve is not coming out of that building alive.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This is one of the many wonderful fic written for the kissemdanno Festival of Kissing. The depth of the emotion in this fic left us breathless. Face paced and relentless it follows Danny through the first few minutes of thinking that he has lost Steve. The writing is spot on and we feel the impact of his loss like a punch to the gut. Don’t worry though, this is NOT a death fic but it does still deal with the first moments of loss, and beautifully at that.[1]
