Sentinel and Guide (Hawaii Five-0 story)

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Title: Sentinel and Guide
Author(s): Elayna
Date(s): 27 March 2011
Length: 14,420 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, Sentinel AU
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Sentinel and Guide (AO3)

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Sentinel and Guide is a Steve/Danny story by Elayna. It's part one of The Sentinel and Guide Series.

Summary: Every fandom needs a couple of Sentinel-fusion rewrites of the first episode, right? This is mine. I've only seen two episodes of The Sentinel, so this is my take on Sentinel fanon as generally found in Sentinel/SG:A fusions. I won't even pretend it's faithful to Sentinel canon, though I tried to not drift too far from H5-0 canon.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: The entire premise of Steve as a Sentinel and Danny as a guide is a very intriguing one. No understanding of the series is required to navigate this very interesting AU story. The characterizations were recognizable but different enough to be very interesting.[1]

If you like The Sentinel tropes of guides and sentinels bonding, then this is the fic for you. As Steve goes back to Hawaii after his father's death he meets Detective Danny Williams and immediately knows Williams is his Guide. However Danny wants nothing to do with this whole Sentinel/Guide thing...and it's up to Steve to convince him.[2]
