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You may be looking for the Stargate SG-1 story Ripples.

Title: Ripple
Author(s): Greywolf the Wanderer
Date(s): 2000
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Ripple is a Kirk/Spock story by Greywolf the Wanderer. It is a sequel to Lost Sailor.

It was published in T'hy'la #21.


"After retrieving Spock from New Arizona, Kirk convinces him that he wants the bond that is between them and so they prepare for the return of Spockʼs pon farr."

Reactions and Reviews

This story is a sequel to "Lost Sailor", in fact, it starts with a recap of the previous story. In a way, a separate story like this felt rather unnecessary and I wished it had just been part of the same story. Kirk and Spock grow closer and bond after the events in the first story.

I think it might have been a lot stronger if it had just been induded. It sort-of stands on its own, but not really because the entire first story is synopsized.

Of course a big part of the problem was the continue first person, present-tense alternating with past tense POV.

Still, in this story too, some very lovely moments. [1]

It seems these two stories [Lost Sailor and Ripple] are really the one following the other, so I'd like to talk about them together. By itself, the first one, Lost Sailor, doesn't feel especially complete to me, while the sequel, Ripple, does feel like a story in itself. But together,they are a whole and satisfying story.

I don't care for first person, and especially not the artificialness of present tense. But in the beginning of this, at least Spock is apparently recording a log, so the first person has veracity in this part. The story switches between Spock and KirkPOVs.

This is about Spock, with his coming pon farr, leaving the ship and secreting himself away on New Arizona, to chain himself up and die. It's Kirk who he's drawn to this time, and a bond has begun to form; but Spock won't endanger Kirk, and seems certain there's nothing to consider with him. We also get Kirk's POV, how he realizes his true desires with regard to Spock when he's so close to losing him; and there are interesting things about his feeling the burning himself, also.

Most of the story takes place at the cabin where Kirk and McCoy find and treat Spock for his injuries. Lots of medical detail, for those who like that. And lots of inner thoughts, throughout both stories. And at the end of the first story, Kirk and Spock are to the point of acknowledging their feelings and talking about the bond.

Maybe it doesn't feel "complete" to me because they don't have sex. Now in Ripple, there is resolution and nice sex. It takes place back on the ship, and Spock is again feeling the oncoming pon farr.

But what I especially liked about this was a good and innovative portrayal of M'Benga. He is a 'Vulcan by choice.' We leam a lot about Vulcan sexuality and mind rituals, etc. I like how M'Benga helps them though this. He acts a s the go-between to form their bond, with really good Vulcan rituals shown. And he encourages them to be together and strengthen their bond before the pon farr- so it will be easier and more satisfying. Poor Spock, in this story, has a lot of fears and hang-ups, and so they work through these.

They are ecstatic with their bond, and finally have sex, though it's written in two paragraphs in kind of veiled words. But we get more and satisfying sex later, written out more fully, both from Spock's POV in the throes of pon farr, and later...and all is well. There's a quiet ending including a small ceremony at the end of pon fan-—very nice. [2]

While “Lost Sailor” needed no sequel to guarantee satisfaction, Ripple was a welcome extension of the love story commenced therein.

Having set the stage to face the specter of Pon Farr’s return as a couple, Kirk and Spock require all the strength of will they can summon to face it’s reality. At one point Spock’s simple thoughts sum it up eloquently as unfamiliar heat floods his body. “I fear this.” M’Benga is given a nice part here, but provided a distraction for me at times. A case when less would have been more effective. Need and hunger fill Spock with sensations totally foreign to him. His uncertainty and unwelcome awareness of his own body are so clearly expressed by this fine writer. His reluctance to give in to these drives is so real, you can feel it as though it was your own.

Truly this one who calls himself Canis lupus has put every fiber of his being into this convincing portrayal of our heroes. [3]

That was beautiful! I'm so glad that they finally got to be joined in body and soul. I loved M'Benga and the guidance and stability he brought Jim and Spock. I also loved the language you used, it was formal enough to sound Vulcan, but poetic enough to show their love well. [4]

What a wonderful follow up to Lost Sailor! You know I adore Vulcan culture and ritual, so this just hits the spot for me. Don't know how I missed this in the past years, but I'm glad I read it now. [5]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #54
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #56
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #60
  4. ^ from Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive (2010)
  5. ^ from Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive (2009)