Odysseys and Ecstasy

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Odysseys and Ecstasy
Author: Thamiris
Dates: 2000 - present
Fandom: Smallville, Harry Potter, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, Queer as Folk, The Bible, Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
URL: http://www.slashaholics.org/thamiris/slash.html
Odysseys and Ecstasy.png
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Odysseys and Ecstasy is Thamiris' fanfiction and recommendation site. The page also features Tham's Sexed-Up Grammar Guide and a number of essays about writing, plagiarism, 'Bruce Campbell on Slash'[1] and The Herc-Xenaverse Fanfic Survey.[2]

The page is or was a member site of the Hercules-Xena Slash Ring, the A.R.E.S. webring and the Slash Fan Fiction Ring.[3]

The site started out as Thamiris' Ares Slash[4] and was listed as such in the Fan Fiction on the Net directory in 1998.[5]

Odysseys and Ecstasy is hosted by Slashaholics.org where it is maintained as a memorial to Thamiris.


  1. ^ "A letter in which I asked BC what he thought about slash, and his response. I felt fairly safe asking my question for reasons I mention on the page, but I'd like to make clear from the outset that I do not endorse contacting celebrities and asking their position on slash; it's really quite invasive. (My moral ground's probably a bit shaky, but what the hell)."
  2. ^ "I polled a number of different slash lists, including KSA, Joxerotica, HercFic and others, to find out what people had to say about their likes and dislikes in our fandom. I also included a number of questions on feedback. If you haven't yet filled in the survey, you can do it here, since I'll be periodically updating the results."
  3. ^ Odysseys and Ecstasy: Thamiris' Slash, via Wayback, 12 October 2000. (Accessed 07 January 2012)
  4. ^ Thamiris' Ares Slash, via Wayback: 03 February 1999. (Accessed 27 October 2012)
  5. ^ Slash Fan Fiction on the Net S - Z, via Wayback: 06 December 1998. (Accessed 27 October 2012)