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Nyota (newsletter)
Zine | |
Title: | Nyota |
Publisher: | the fan club, Friends of Nichelle Nichols |
Editor(s): | |
Type: | |
Date(s): | 1986-? |
Frequency: | |
Medium: | |
Fandom: | Star Trek, Nichelle Nichols |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
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Nyota is the Nichelle Nichols newsletter published by the fan club, Friends of Nichelle Nichols.
Issue 1
Nyota 1 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1986 and contains 4 pages.
It contains a small illo by Tom Howard.
On September 8, Paramount Studios hosted a star-studded 20th anniversary celebration of STAR TREK and a great time was had by all. Attendees were greeted by Paramount staffers decked out as TREK characters. Most of the action centered on sound stage 10 where food and drink stations were captioned for the characters. "Uhura's Desert Planet" had the most fantastic fare of all and attracted a steady stream of guests. The media (Entertainment Tonight, People, Time, TV Guide magazines, et al) were out in force. Our gal was radiant in a black and white print Indian punjab outfit by designer Dekajian. Wish we all could have been there!
All of us who have had the opportunity to meet and talk with Nichelle at conventions, know of her warm, caring attitude. These feelings were amply demonstrated in April, 1985 when she visited Lenny Swails in Prince Georges Hospital in Maryland. Injured in a motorcycle accident, the young man was in a coma for two months. After Lenny regained consciousness, his friends and fellow Trekkers, Jim Quarles and Jerry Goldman, learning that his favorite actress was at a Boston convention, arranged for her visit. Nichelle's concern and thoughtfulness were much appreciated by all.
- Nichelle's Notes (comments from Nichelle Nichols) (1)
- Convention Appearance (1)
- From the FONNy Farm (club news, news about Nichols) (1)
- Pen Pal Service (2)
- Profile: Nichelle Nichols (3)
Issue 2
Nyota 2 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar 1987 and contains 6 pages. It contains an illo by Tom Howard.
On Oct. 30 George Takei received his star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame. Nichelle attended the ceremony and also performed several songs at the celebration after wards. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT covered the event and when Nichelle was asked who she thought would be the next cast member to get a star, she replied that she hoped it would be her. Prophetic, hmmm.
Having just seen and enjoyed ST:IV I haveonly one thing to say, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it any more!" Like the rest of you I was thrilled to see Nichelle Nichols in ST: TMP, ST: TWK, ST: SFS (especially that one; she actually had the camera to herself for a few minutes). However, I am sure the rest of you agree that after two years it gets depressing when your heroine has less time on the screen and fewer lines than an extra. Uhura is very important in ST as the only consistent female, black character. Nichelle Nichols has done a remarkable job creating a personality for an under written, underutilized character and has given us a favorite member of the ST family. It just wouldn't be ST without her.
As I mentioned, I did enjoy ST:IV. However, after seeing ST:III I anticipated a bigger part for Uhura in upcoming films. Now I don't so eagerly await ST:V.
[encouragement for fans to write letters to complain]
I don't ever want to have to write another letter like this one. Let's be sure ST V isn't subtitled: "The Search for Uhura".
If you have a question you'd like to ask Nichelle, send it in. Please keep them in good taste and remember that each of us values his/her privacy. Questions will be answered only in the newsletter, so watch for yours.
- From the FONNy Farm (club news, news about Nichols) (1)
- Kwanza Foundation (1)
- Crossword Puzzle by Rose Brown (2)
- Uhura: On Seeing Mt. Kilimanjaro, poem by Florence Butler (3)
- Nichelle's Starlight, poem by Larry Marcheschi, Jr. (3)
- Sounding Off... (complaint about too little Uhura in the latest movie, encouragement to write letter) (4)
- Personal Appearances (4)
- Mail Auction #1 (4)
- Esoterica (trivia) (5)
- a flyer for Trekruise '87 (5)
- Collector's Corner (6)
- Pen Pals (6)
- Crossword Puzzle Answers (6)
Issue 3
Nyota 3 was published in April/May/June 1987 and contains 6 pages.
It contains a illo by Rose Brown, reprinted from Destiny's Children #3. There is also a small illo by Tom Howard.
Q. Do you read your fan mail?
A. Every last word... until my eyeballs come together in the center of my nose. I appreciate anyone who cares enough about me to write. The least I can do is read it.
The poem, "The Kiss":
- "Oh, Captain, I'm so frightened!"
- The lovely Uhura said.
- As Kirk clenched his teeth
- And strained to raise his head.
- "Don't show them that you fear them.
- His words came in a hiss.
- Uhura fear the Platonians?
- No, she feared there'd be no kiss!
- Nichelle's Notes (Q and A from Nichelle Nichols, very simplistic, non-offensive answers) (1)
- From the FONNy Farm (club news, news about Nichols) (1)
- An Interview with Kyle (Nichol's son) (2)
- Convention Report: New York (Feb 21-22, 1987) (3)
- Collector's Corner (4)
- illo (5)
- Cmdr. Uhura Opens Hailing Frequency on Sea World Blimp ("It was Saturday morning of TREKON '87 and Nichelle had invited me to accompany her on a ride above Miami in the Sea World blimp!") (6)
- I Needed This, poem by Diane R. Durham (6)
- The Kiss, poem by Nancy Baker (6)
Issue 4
Nyota 4 was published in July/Aug/Sept 1987 and contains 8 pages.
Nichol's "usual column" wasn't in this issue as she was too busy. Instead, there were remarks she had made at a past convention.
I see a lot of friends here. Oh, this is really neat. You know what this feels like? Heaven. 1970 and you weren't even born then, right? The first convention. Oh, God, how far we have come. Isn't this marvelous? And we owe it all to you. It's all your fault! Kiss yourselves...from me.
I see all sorts of wonderful people, some of whom I have met with for years, and others I have met through the television set, whom I guess [they] know Uhura better than Nichelle does. But it's incredible and wonderful and fantastic.
I envy you....This is probably the most unique happening maybe in this twentieth century on the side of technological advancement. Wouldn't you say?...A coming together because of the ideals of a television show forever dispels the thought that TV cannot do good, is not a good medium of communication, right? Think about it...a television show of such high ideals that proposes with humility that 300 years from today the human race survives gloriously because we didn't push the button in the twentieth century. We not only made it, we made it with honor, and with dignity, and with humanity, and with intelligence....Think about that....That we go where no man or woman has gone before, in peaceful exploration. That we're star trekking, not star warring...
Was it only twenty years ago that a man named Roddenberry said, "This is what the future can be, and I'll propose it. That it not only can be, it happened. We just have to get there." And then you said, "Right on! Somebody is speaking for me. I have a future. I have a reason for being....Because these people were there, and they reflect me. I am you. And you know it. Scotty is you and you know it. Kirk, Spock, Sulu, Chekov. We are all you and you know it every time you look at us. You don't see different skin, different eyes, different hair....But you know you see me when you look, don't you? ...We are one. I mean, we are one. And that man saw it. And there is no accident that I was on the comm and deck...There is no accident that Sulu was there. There's no accident that a Vulcan - half Vulcan, half Earthling - is on (the bridge). There's no accident that he is saying
"Vive la difference!"
Not in spite of our differences are we wonderful, not in spite of my difference do you love me. If you do, don't! Love me for my difference. Because I love each and every one of you for your difference, whatever it is. And that, I think, is the most wonderful thing that STAR TREK did for us...
I've been asked...how do I feel about being typecast as Uhura?... And yes, I resent being typecast, but not for ever being known as Uhura. Because I m very, very proud of her, because she is possibly my great-great-great-great-great granddaughter.
- Nichol's comments from an unnamed convention (1)
- From the FONNy Farm (club news) (1)
- Cruise Views by Carrie Washington (a poetic description of tug boats, the moon, and water during SeaTrek) (2)
- Me and the Cruise and Ms. Nichols, con report by Allen Crowe for SeaTrek) (3)
- My Dearest Otaja, letter "by Nyota" aka Carrie Washington (4)
- The Star Trek Jingle, filk by Lisa Humphries, to the tune of the Dr. Pepper jingle (4)
- Nichol's various appearances (5)
- a mail auction (5)
- stuff for sale
Issue 5
Nyota 5 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1987 and contains 8 pages.

The personal statement about Trekruise:
I disassociate myself as of June 12, 1987 from any involvement with Mr. Joseph Motes. I did not quit my association with TREKRUISE or the West Coast cruise. I was forced out of the cruise by Mr. Motes in part because I disagreed with him over salary considerations for the Star Trek celebrities on the West Coast cruise and their new contracts. All photos and videos taken by staff photographers on Trekruise East are copyrighted to Trekruise and are not to be sold without the knowledge and consent of Trekruise." (Terry Rubin, Director, East Coast Cruise '89)
A movement is afoot to have "Penda" and "Hikaru" receive recognition (and use) in ST:V as the first names of Uhura and Sulu respectively. For further information SASE to: Fans of Penda Uhura & Hikaru Sulu, Matonne Elaine Kemp, PO Box 15103, Washington, D.C. 20003
- From the FONNy Farm (club news, a correction about the Trekruise article in the recent Starlog and a photo caption: "Friends of Nichelle Nichols President Florence Butler helping to judge "Mr. Legs". Just one problem -- that's not me in the picture!!")
- Reader's Page (a letter by Daniel J. Duquaine about planets)
- Personal Statement by Terry Rubin regarding Trekruise
- an ad for "Go Where No Fan Has Gone Before," a limited edition video by Rubin and others (topic: the May 1987 Trekruise)
- Interview with Jim Meechan (Meechan was Nichol's manager and partner aR-Way Productions)
- Nichelle & Women in Science Fiction, short essay by Larry Marcheschi
Issue 6
Nyota 6 was published in Jan/Mar 1988 and contains 6 pages.
- Nichelle's Notes (Nichol's describes her cameo on the sitcom Head of the Class)
- From the FONNy Farm (promotional bits)
- Shore Leave VIII con report, see that page
- Dear Mother, a letter written as though from Uhura to her mom, author is Mary Ann Alfreda
- ads
- a full-page flyer for The Atlanta Fantasy Fair (for a concert by Nichols on March 18, 1988)
Issue 7
Nyota 7 was published in April/June 1988 and contains 6 pages.
It contains an illo by Tom Howard.
We welcome constructive criticism about "Starbound". General comments are good, but specific are even better. We're especially interested in knowing whether you'd like to have a fanzine as an annual offering of the club. In future newsletters 'we'll print excerpts from representative letters (the favorable and the picky-picky) so if you don't want to be quoted please indicate that in your letter.
- Nichelle's Notes (Nichols writes about her new duties as spokesperson for the American Brain Care & Recovery Foundation)
- From the FONNy Farm, the editor asks fans to buy the club's zine, Starbound
- two letters of comment about Starbound
- A Letter from Uhura, fictional letter by Mary Ann Alfreda (a breakup letter to a lover (gender not identified) named "Wole")
- The Oceans of Experience, poem by Greg Wilcott
Issue 8
Nyota 4 was published in July/Sept 1988 and contains 6 pages.
- FONN Meeting (about a meeting Nichols at the early June Pittsburgh Creation Con and asking her to meet with club members
- FONNY Farm (all about paying your club dues which was $10 a year)
- Universal Studios "Star Trek Adventure"
- More About "Starbound"... (comments about the zine)
- Maxi-Raffle (info about a raffle to raise funds to buy Nichols a Hollywood Walk of Fame star
- con report focusing on Nichol's appearance at the New Orleans Creation Con on May 21st, 1988 ("For one thing, there's Nichelle's appearance. I discovered this depressing fact on the Trekruise last summer: no matter what Michelle Nichols wears she still looks stunning! Anyway, the crowd went nuts when Michelle appeared. She started off with not one, but two songs. She had the audience eating out of her hand in about two bars!")
- things for sale
- Nichelle's upcoming appearances
About the Creation Con FONN Meeting:
("Friends, it went like a dream. Thanks to our beautiful and gracious lady, Nichelle Nichols. I met her at the convention luncheon, gathered all my courage... Nichelle enthusiastically agreed to the FONN meeting, advised who to set it up with, and announced it at her convention appearance.The meeting was held at 2:30 PM on Sunday, June 5th. For a wonderful half hour Nichelle met with the members of FONN and of the USS Potemkin who were helping with the convention. Her grace and warmth enveloped all of us, giving us a special memory to cherish. She asked each of us to introduce ourselves, shared anecdotes from her experiences, both on and off the set. In our small gathering, no question went unanswered. We smiled and laughed together, feeling the bond of fellowship entwine and unite us. Nichelle reached out in that unique way of hers that says, "You are special to me and I'm so glad I met you".
It was a lovely gathering and we were left with a tingle of happiness and pride because we d been able to share our day with our lovely lady.
Five new members were welcomed into FONN at the convention, and they were excited to be able to meet Nichelle "up close and personal" at the club meeting. Four of the new members are from in and near the Pittsburgh area and the fifth is from Ohio.
One of the new FONNs, Norman Hall, gifted Nichelle with^a tape of music produced by his band. Look forward to hearing more about one of the cuts, 'Rock with Mr. Spock'."
During each performance of the thirty minute show "The Star Trek Adventure", 29 audience members, using costumes, sets, film footage, and "Live" special effects, will seemingly appear in a seven-minute feature alongside co- stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
"The Star Trek Adventure" will be produced in a state-of-the-art, 2,000 seat theater several times daily.The actors from the audience will portray Starship Enterprise crew members, Klingons, and galactic aliens. The participants will act out the script which will be taped, edited instantaneously, and then shown to them on 10'xl4' overhead playback screens. Videocasette copies will also be available after the show.
Because the guest actors will be performing before a live audience, the attraction will feature sophisticated Star Trek sets on an intricate track system that will allow them to move simultaneously, on stage. "Live" special effects will be incorporated into the show, including a laser-generated star- field that pulls the audience into the action, and a transporter room that will "beam down" tour guests who will "atomize" and disappear before the audience's very eyes.
The Earth Premier of "The Star Trek Adventure" was held on June 9th at Universal Studios Star Trek Space Station with special guests Gene Roddenberry, William Shatner, Walter Koenig, George Takei, James Doohan, and Nichelle Nichols.
Issue 9
Nyota 9 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1988 and contains 6 pages.
- Nichelle's Notes (about getting details on the script of the upcoming film, eating dinner with the cast (Marci Shatner cooks veal!), losing weight for the movie)
- info on giving money for Nichol's Hollywood Walk of Fame star and the stickers included in this issue ("We hope you'll use 'em when you correspond with other Trekkers. And if you haven't yet sent in your money & raffle tickets, won't you feel guilty slapping those decals on your envelopes?? We hope so!")
- information about the raffle to buy a star for Nichols (description of prizes: jackets, photos, autographs, comic books, club memberships)
- a list of people, clubs, and businesses that donated items for the raffle (Star Trek: The Official Fan Club, William Shatner Fellowship, Leonard Nimoy Fan Club, DeForest Kelley Association of Fans, George Takei Worldwide, Walter Koenig International, Grace Lee Whitney Fan Club, Jonathan Frakes Fan Club, Marina Sirtis Fan Club, Star Trek Stars, Starland, Startoons, Lincoln Enterprises, Starlog Publications, aR-Way Productions, Patty & Rene Santoro)
- FONN Focus (short club member bios, this one for Kathleen "Kett" Kettering)
- photos of Kathleen "Kett" Kettering, Florence Butler, and Conchita Little
Well, we're off and running. Last week we all went to our director's home for a full cast reading of the script for ' STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER, and to meet and greet our guest stars and actors led by Lawrence Luckinbill.
It was good to all be together again, and to see George,Leonard, Walter,' Jimmy, and Bill -- DeForest being the only one unavailable that night. Everyone complimented me on my nice new figure. I've lost 28 pounds. Have 10 more to go!
After we had scrumptiously dined (Bill's wife, Marcie, had prepared a delicious repast of chicken, veal, grilled veggies, salad, fruit, and dessert) we settled into the reading.
Our producer/writer, Harve Bennett, sat tensely by with his co-writer David Loughery (who is a charmer) to hear his project emerge from the pages through our voices for the first time, as director/writer Bill Shatner led the reading. Larry Luckinbill is terrific.
Soon all tension and nerves melted in a sea of laughter, with enough goofs and bloopers to float a decade of STAR TREK Conventions! It was hilarious, but we got through it. When Harve relaxed and laughed with us, I knew we were home free. Uhura's part, I'm delighted to say, is wonderful and challenging and fun.
I love the script; the story is by William Shatner, Harve Bennett, and David Loughery.
The evening ended on a high note with everyone satisfied that we have a hell of a good script, a fine, sensitive director , and a terrific cast. Yes, Fan Folks, we have on our hands another winner. Wow! What a feeling!
Issue 10
Nyota 10 was published in Jan/Feb/Mar 1989 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 11
Nyota 11 was published in Apr/May/June 1989 and contains 4 pages.
Issue 12/13
Nyota 12/13 was published in July/Sept 1989 and contains 8 pages.
Issue 14
Nyota 14 was published in Oct/Dec 1989 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 15
Nyota 15 was published in Jan/Mar 1990 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 16
Nyota 16 was published in Apr/June 1990 and contains 4 pages.
Issue 17
Nyota 17 was published in July/Sept 1990 and contains 8 pages.
Issue 18
Nyota 18 was published in Oct/Dec 1990 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 19
Nyota 19 was published in Jan/Mar/Feb 1991 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 20
Nyota 20 was published in Apr/May/June 1991 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 21
Nyota 21 was published in July/Aug/Sept 1991 and contains 6 pages.
Issue 22
Nyota 22 was published in Oct/Nov/Dec 1991 and contains 8 pages.