Nicole Haught

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Name: Nicole Rayleigh Haught
Occupation: Sheriff
Relationships: Waverly Earp - Wife
Fandom: Wynonna Earp
Other: Played by Katherine Barrell
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Nicole Haught is a character from Wynonna Earp and one half of the femslash ship Wayhaught. She is a canon lesbian.



Bulletproof Lesbian

Wayhaught gif featuring text from Emily Andras' June 2016 interview.

Wynonna Earp premiered in 2016, a year that saw several prominent lesbian characters die in tragic circumstances. The best known of these is Commander Lexa from the 100. Her death inspired the Lexa Deserved Better fan campaign, and resulted in widespread discussion of the Bury Your Gays trope. Wynonna Earp showrunner Emily Andras actually confirmed both Nicole and her love interest Waverly Earp would survive the first season and appear in season 2 if the series was renewed.[1] Her comments coming two months before the season ended were welcomed by fans.[2]

It was in this context that Nicole Haught survived Wynonna Earp's first season in typical Wynonna Earp style, subverting the very trope fans feared. During the season finale, Nicole was shot, only to reveal almost immediately that she was wearing a bulletproof vest and was in no danger of death. Fans quickly celebrated on social media.

When the lesbian remembers her bulletproof vest, by snaileyatwell


#yes #thank you emily andras [3]

The series started production in September 2015, which means they put Nicole in a bulletproof vest BEFORE The 100 killed Lexa. For some reason, this seems like a very important detail to remember because it means they didn’t do it in response to the shitstorm that followed that dumbass decision. This is clearly a production team that is aware of the bullshit tropes that already occur on T.V. and obviously don’t want to continue them. So as ecstatic as we all were when Nicole said she was wearing a bulletproof vest, remember this was not to cover their own asses with the LGBT+ community.[4]

Similarly, Nicole appears to die in a Season 4 episode cliffhanger. In the last line of the episode, Jeremy says, "I know how this looks, but I'm asking you to trust us". This line was all the reassurance Earpers needed, as they took to social media to express their trust in the production. Nicole was revived in the next episode.


Nicole Haught/Waverly Earp is the juggernaut pairing in the fandom, and all other ships featuring Nicole are rarepairs. Nicole Haught/Wynonna Earp is the most popular of those, but many fans prefer the gen Nicole Haught & Wynonna Earp friendship.

Common Tropes & Themes

  • Drunk!Nicole -
  • Daddy!Nicole -





Resources & External Links


  1. ^ “Wynonna Earp” creator Emily Andras talks WayHaught survival
  2. ^ Tumblr post by haughtofcourse, featuring a Wayhaught gif and text from Andras' interview.
  3. ^ Tumblr post by ggunabyfish, 2016-06-24 (the date I Walk The Line originally aired)
  4. ^ Something to know about Wynonna Earp by playingwithmydemons, posted Jul 16th, 2016