Nanci Folsom Casad

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Name: Nanci Folsom Casad, Nanci Casad
Fandoms: Starsky & Hutch, Hardcastle and McCormick, Forever Knight, Quantum Leap, Beauty and the Beast (TV)
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Nanci Folsom Casad is a zine publisher and writer.

Her press was Intertwined Press.


Casad's flyers and letters were often typed all in CAPS.


Casad's Beauty and the Beast (TV) zine series, Intertwined was famous for being in the center of The Great Tail Debate, a term Casad coined.

Anti-Slash, Anti-Gay

Casad was very outspoken in her anti-slash opinions, calling slash, among other things, "PERVERTED," and "PORNOGRAPHY, SICK AND DISGUSTING." See her 1996 statement GARBAGE LIKE THAT HAS NO PLACE IN FANDOM.

A fan in 1995 wrote about Casad tearing out a page in the Starsky & Hutch zine, Bonaventure:

She has evidently proudly proclaimed that when she received a copy of a Suzi Lovett picture called something like "The Hero's Heart" -- Hutch has his arm around Starsky and both are fully clothed -- she destroyed it immediately, just like any other piece of "filth" people try to send her. [1]

Zine Contributions

Beauty and the Beast

Forever Knight

Hardcastle and McCormick

Quantum Leap

Starsky & Hutch

Original Fiction


  1. ^ comment by Michelle Christian at Virgule-L, quoted with permission (May 5, 1995)