My Mother's Obsession With Pies

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Title: My Mother's Obsession With Pies
Author(s): Kate
Date(s): 2000-2001
Length: 20 chapters
Genre(s): comedy romance
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links:, and

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My Mother's Obsession With Pies is a Hanson fanfic written by Kate.

The story is written in a Bridget Jones's Diary sort of stream of consciousness style, with multiple narrators including all three Hanson brothers and their love interests. The story takes a humorous approach to the "girl next door" trope, with the girl presenting Taylor with the titular pie after moving in next door. To quote the author:[1]

'My Mother's Obsession With Pies (And Other Topics of Teenage Angst)' actually began as a compilation of some short stories that never really went anywhere. The beginning of Chapter 2 was a short story called 'That Carrot Thing', although the main character of that story before it succumbed to 'Pies' was something like Primrose. I've always been big on unusual names, if you couldn't tell. It's probably my Freudian defence mechanism against enduring the name Kate - which is as common as ....Britney Spears.

Reactions and Reviews

Anna from My Mother's Obsession with Pies was a grade-A Mary Sue, but man, she was a great character.[2]


My Mother's Obsession With Pies won awards in the Golden Gnomes, Hanfic Awards, Hanspirational Fan Fiction Awards, Literary Hanfic Awards and Waiting To Be Read Awards. It also received awards from These Eyes. It is featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame.
