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More Roads Not Taken

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Title: More Roads Not Taken
Publisher: The Crystal Rose Fan Group of NC
Author(s): Sandy P. Shelton
Cover Artist(s):
Illustrator(s): Sandy Chandler Shelton, Mickey Sayles and Rosemarie Hauer
Date(s): January 1997
Series?: yes
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty & the Beast (TV)
External Links: "More Roads Not Taken" was taken offline, but a copy may still be found [http://batbwfol.com/winterfest2009/finally/finallytitle.htm here
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cover 'More Roads Not Taken'

More Roads Not Taken is a het Beauty & the Beast 152-page novel written by Sandy P. Shelton.

It contains art by Sandy Chandler Shelton, Mickey Sayles and Rosemarie Hauer.

It is a sequel to The Roads Not Taken.

"More Roads Not Taken" appeared briefly online for the fans annual 2009 Winterfest.

splashscreen 2008 Winterfest


Like the first volume, a series of alternate and more romantic developments taking off from episodes. Some stories contain fairly explicit "first time" accounts of Vincent and Catherine becoming lovers. Spin-offs from episodes include "Song of Orpheus," "Shades of Grey," "A Happy Life/Chamber Music," "A Fair and Perfect Knight," "When the Bluebird Sings," and "A Kingdom by the Sea. [1]


Reactions and Reviews

Like the first volume, a series of alternate and more romantically satisfactory developments by sole author Shelton taking off from episodes, many with a substantial recapitulation of the given episode, dramatizing Vincent and Catherine’s thoughts and feelings, as well as additional scenes in which Vincent and Catherine explore their romantic possibilities further than the series permitted. In some of the stories, the erotic element stops at foreplay; other stores contain fairly graphic “first time” accounts of Vincent and Catherine becoming lovers. Excellent art by artists Sandy Chandler Shelton, Mickey Sayles, and Rosemarie Hauer (all with a pleasing similarity of styles) makes this zine a keeper in its own right.

In this zine, Vincent and Catherine move toward a fuller expression of their love, of which neither has any question (although Vincent certainly has doubts about the wisdom of trying to consummate it) as spinoffs from episodes including “Song of Orpheus,” “Shades of Grey,” “A Happy Life/Chamber Music,” “A Fair and Perfect Knight,” “When the Bluebird Sings,” and “A Kingdom by the Sea.”

The writing, while generally literate, does suffer from fairly frequent typos of the spell-checker kind—difficulties of proofreading rather than writing. Most readers will find them only a slight distraction from the romantic goings-on. The zine is otherwise handsomely produced and, as said before, the art is splendid...

Though no age statement is specifically required, one would be appropriate to the content. [2]
