The Lunatic Fringe

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: The Lunatic Fringe
Author: Attilla the HunEE
Dates: June 10th 1998 - ?
Fandom: Highlander
URL: (Wayback link)
The Lunatic Fringe.png
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The Lunatic Fringe was website with mostly Highlander slash fanfiction by Attilla (or Atilla) the HunEE.

Welcome to the Lunatic Fringe - where almost anything goes. Mostly homoerotic (m/m pairings) and mostly PG-13. Some of the stories may be hovering around NC-17, but so far none have crossed the borders into either R or X-rated territory. And, knowing me as well as I do, they aren't likely to, either. Not unless some of my co-authors get away from me and, knowing me as I do, that is not entirely unlikely either. If 'slash' is not your cuppa, please go elsewhere. If it is, sit back, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the view. Mi casa es su casa, as someone once said.

The site was a member of the Duncan Methos Slash Ring and the Slash Fan Fiction Ring. It was hosted by

Stand Alone Stories

Afterwards - So what did happen the morning after that banquet?

Anniversary - A misunderstanding about the real significance of a party...

The Banquet By 'Tilla & Sandi NC 17 - Duncan & Methos can get into trouble anywhere...

Elevator Music - Trapped in an elevator, the guys are forced to find something to pass the time...

For the Love of... - Methos proves just how powerful words can be.

Ghouls Night Out By Tilla & Teri - A screwball Halloween story. (Not slash)

It's Gonna be a Long Night By 'tilla & Aimee - What if Bottom!Duncan and Virgin!Methos met up? Lord help 'em. May 2000

The Library - Will Duncan ever find the courage to tell Methos how he feels? And what will Methos think when he finds out he's been playing both Cyrano and Roxanne? Find out in this funny, lighthearted romance. This story is on the Futures Without End II web edition page.

Midsummer's Knight Muse by 'tilla & soo - An alternate universe... Set in knightly days, where Duncan is the leading Knight, Kronos is King, Richie a faithful squire... You have to read it to believe it. September 00

Oops, Dropped the Soap By 'tilla & Aimee NC 17 - The title pretty much says it all. May 2000

Shop Till You Drop By Hopper, Slashbear & Attilla the HunEE NC 17 - Mac and Methos go clothes shopping and have a little fun while they are at it.

Stoned on Your Love By Hopper & 'tilla NC 17 - A normal night at home goes a little haywire.


Big Brother - NC17 HL/XF crossover. You never know who's watching... December 2000

Smurflander: Duncan MacLeod and Methos and the Really Long Horrible Repetitive Day By S'lorie, S'soo, S'tarsh, S'tilla NC 17 - Rampant Con Insanity. Duncan & Methos have a really bad day(s)? May 2000

Swords at Sunset - A late entry in the Harlequin Contest at the Quill Club. Crossover with Anita Blake Series and originally appeared in Revelations.

Vampires, Monsters, and Wolves, Oh My! By 'tilla & Deb Caruso NC 17 - Crossover with LKH's Anita Blake Series. Duncan & Methos take a quiet trip to Maine and find more than they bargained for.

Meet Me in St. Louis By 'tilla and Deb Caruso NC 17 - Crossover with LKH's Anita Blake Series. Duncan & Methos receive an unexpected invitation.

A Dickens of a Christmas By 'tilla and Deb Caruso NC 17 - Crossover with LKH's Anita Blake Series. The long awaited sequel to Vampires, Monsters, and Wolves, Oh My! and Meet Me in St. Louis. July 2000

Warrior Sluts in Chainmail By Attilla and Hopper - NC 17 Crossover with LKH's Anita Blake Series. Alternate Universe. The three K's(Kassandra, Kronos & Kalas) have stolen the Stone of Power. Can Duncan, Methos and gang reclaim it before they take over the world? Contains m/m, m/f, f/f. Feb. 2000

Circle Dance - In 1526, Methos comes across a strange being. A crossover between the Highlander and Anita Blake Universes. The Anita Blake Universe is from the magnificent novels by Laurell K. Hamilton. In the Anitaverse vampires, werewolves and other creatures are out in the open so to speak.

In Print

The Immortal Scrooge By Susanna & Atilla the HunEE - Charles Dickens and Christmastime seem to go together...the title of this story pretty much says it all! This story will be appearing in So Speaks the Hero. The above link has an excerpt and ordering info.

The Adam Pierson Series

Methos - Just what would have happened if Duncan didn't figure it out? PG 13 Jan. 2000

Chivalry - The next episode in the ongoing saga. How would Chivalry be different? August 2000

Timeless - If Duncan didn't know Adam was Methos, just how would Timeless be different? November 2000

Something Wicked - Duncan, a Dark Quickening, and Adam Pierson. February 2001

Moonlight & Roses Series

Moonlight & Roses - Does Methos have a secret admirer?

Jailhouse Rock - What happens when Madame De Lancie takes matters into her own hands?

My Boyfriend's Back - Can Duncan & Methos repair the damage that Madame caused?

Will You Still Love Me, Tomorrow? - Duncan is back in jail, can Methos and Amanda get him out?

Big Boys Don't Cry - The scheme is in motion but can Duncan, Amanda and Madame get into place before Methos runs?

Bye, Bye Love - Methos runs away. Will Mac find him? Will Mac even *bother* this time? Will these two *ever* work out their differences? Will this story ever end? March 2000

Maxine's Magic - Maxine has two stories in the Moonlight & Roses Universe. The above link takes you to her homesite and the stories are under Inspired by Others.