Something Wicked

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Title: Something Wicked
Author(s): torch
Date(s): February 1997
Length: 4,700 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction, crossover
Fandom(s): Highlander/X-Files
External Links: Something Wicked (the flambeau factory)

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Something Wicked is a Highlander/X-Files story by torch. The pairing is Methos/Krycek. Jinx translated the story into Hungarian.[1]

Summary: Alex Krycek meets a dark, handsome, mysterious stranger one night. So does Methos.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

I debated where to put this rec - Highlander or XF - but I think this crossover is really more of Krycek crossing into Methos' world, than the other way around. torch has taken Krycek and dropped him into Methos' lap, where he lets go of the demons inside him, if only for a moment. torch's writing, as always, is incredible here - you can sense and feel and *believe* in the world she creates, and in the way these characters interact. Such raw, powerful emotions coming from[2]

The story (or PWP, as torch modestly proclaims it) opens in a bar in Italy, with our two noble heroes approaching each other like amorous gladiators. The attraction is immediate and the small talk is minimal--barely the exchange of names before the men leave together. Outside, Adam Pierson, who has made a fine art out of protecting his privacy, sets the rules of their private Game: "No questions, your eyes are too beautiful. I might answer." The reader can almost hear the quiet self-mockery in the oldest Immortal's voice.

This is where torch excels. Her writing is consistently real, and very immediate. Her words create a feast for the senses. We are able to hear Methos' voice, taste the burning cognac Alex sips, smell the "ozone and sex" in the room and see the grey of early dawn with the old woman sweeping her stoop. Better still, we are able to feel what Alex and Methos feel, to get inside their heads and know their thoughts as they find one night of "random perfection" in each other's arms.

Torch portrays the characters beautifully, and shows how they mirror each other in many ways. Only Methos could think of the rat-bastard as a "poor child" and make it a believable sentiment. Similarly, when Alex thinks of Methos as an "oh so perfect stranger who looked like a grad student, kissed like an angel and moved like an assassin," the thought is also a reflection of Alex himself.

The sex between the two men is tasteful, passionate and *hot*. It dances to the border of intimacy, but like the characters themselves, backs away from that much of a committment. This story is slash writing at its very best--read it once to enjoy the erotica, then read it again to savor the beauty that comes from perfect words put together well.[3]


I'm not generally keen on crossovers...though I did like Torch's Krycek/Methos story. [4]
