Femslash Migration

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Synonyms: The Great Gay Migration
The Femslash Herd
Sapphic Migration
Migratory Femslash Fandom
See also: Migratory Slash Fandom
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Femslash Migration describes a very commom tendancy within sapphic fandom of fans who migrate from show to show, and consequently of ship to ship.

Essays about this migration were created in order to discuss its existence in the fandom and how it affects fans, whether it hurts them or not:

[Bella Books]
One of the greatest jokes I’ve seen recently within the queer lady media circles is a gifset pulled from Planet Earth, showing flamingos on parade. It’s describing the migration of queer women in fandom moving from one show to another. Orphan Black to Carmilla to The 100 to Person of Interest to Wynonna Earp to that one episode of Black Mirror to Supergirl; and it got me thinking about the migration, and the why behind the migration.

The gist of that gifset is that so many queer fans are so starved for representation that they’ll flock from canon couple to canon couple.[1]

But this wave has become so intrinsic to the fandom that some fans have become aware of its existence, even making jokes about it:

[sappharah previously officialcommanderlexa]
my favourite thing about f/f fandoms is that when i start a new show i don’t even have to follow a bunch of new people who blog about it because everyone i follow is eventually going to migrate over to that fandom with me[2]

This migratory phenomenon also has already been previously observed in a portion of the slash fandom, however fostered and seen differently by its members and peers.

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