McShep Match Team Romance 2007 Interview with mmmchelle

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Team Romance McShep Match Interview with mmmchelle
Interviewee: mmmchelle
Date(s): July 13, 2007
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here, Archived version
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

mmmchelle was interviewed in 2007 for McShep Romance.

It is part of this project: Team Angst and Romance McShep Match Interview Series.


[I started writing fan fiction in]

1999. Not long after May of 1999, which is when The Phantom Menace came out. Yes, George Lucas made me a slasher.

Or maybe it was the way Obi-Wan strutted across that hangar, weapon in hand.

Although my first story was Luke/Mara, and I did not just confess that in a public forum. //waves hand// These aren't the droids you're looking for....Highlander was my next big fandom after Phantom Menace. I didn't discover it until after the show had ended (Atlantis was, for me, the first time I wasn't late to the party), but I loved Methos and Duncan with a deep passion. I can still recite entire scenes worth of dialog.

When I finally ran out of things to say about Duncan and Methos, which was incredibly sad, but I still love them, I played in Smallville for a bit. Loved the premise, loved Lex, never warmed up to Clark. Then I found SG-1, mid-way through season seven, like I said, always late to the party. Loved Jack, liked Daniel, but it wasn't the kind of love that leads to more stories than you can count. But I met Grrrl there, and was thus primed for the joy that is John and Rodney.

Along the way I've written one or two stories in a number of other fandoms--Buffy, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Wiseguy, Brisco County Jr., original BSG, Heroes. I think that's it.

I also don't write strictly male/male slash. I write a fair amount of femslash, mostly Buffy and SGA, and I've even written het for Atlantis, which is a rarity for me.

Atlantis, for me, is a show that's emotionally satisfying.