Maxine (maxinehouse)

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Name: Maxine
Alias(es): maxinehouse, Tigerlily
Type: Fan writer
Fandoms: Star Trek Voyager, Harry Potter, The X-Files, The Sentinel
Other: Maxine's Coffee House (author site)
URL: maxinehouse on Archive of Our Own
maxinehouse on Livejournal
Maxine on SquidgeWorld
Maxine on Tom Paris Dorm (archive link)
maxine7 on FanFiction.Net
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Maxine, also known as maxinehouse, is a fan writer. She started writing fanfiction in February 2002 in Star Trek: Voyager fandom.

Fandom History

Maxine wrote in 2003:

One night in August, two years ago, I was bored and surfing around Yahoo groups/clubs when I stumbled upon a group that bragged Star Trek: Voyager 'fan fiction'. I had no clue what this was, but I loved the show, so I figured what the heck I'll check it out.

This group's stories revolved around the 'romance' between Captain Kathryn Janeway and Commander Chakotay.

I spent a month reading every story I could find, then quite by chance I stumbled on to a story by Cassatt, this story involved Commander Chakotay and Lieutenant Tom Paris. I'd never thought about reading anything where two men were intimate, boy was I floored! I had discovered slash. Then I was hooked! I found archive after archive filled with stories about these two men.

Eventually I joined a yahoo group that centered around Chakotay and mostly Paris. I was in SLASH HEAVEN.

In February of 2002 I decided to try my hand at writing a story and posted it. I was hyper, fearful and near fainting with worry that I would be told to step away from the word documents. I wasn't!

Since then I have penned 10 stories in the Voyager fandom alone in various length, one in the Harry Potter fandom, and am in the process of complete my third collaborated story.[1]

She wrote around mid-2002:

I'm fairly new to the whole fanfiction idea. Less then a year of reading and writing well only about 4 months. I'm an avid Voyager fan, although I don't agree with how TPTB handled most of the series. I read C/P slash, I write C/P and A/K slash. I'm in the middle of a major undertaking with another author on that front.

Recently I was introduced to HP/SS slash and am now hooked. Just finished a HP/SS story with my friend Leone.[2]

Example Fanfiction


  1. ^ Maxine's Coffee House - Home Page. Archived 31 October 2003 by the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ maxine7's bio, Archived version on FanFiction.Net. Joined 14 March 2002. (Accessed 7 September 2024.)
  3. ^ The First Die J/C Die Contest... on OoCities, saved from GeoCities in October 2009. States that it was "held between September 15 till December 15, 2002."
  4. ^ leone_maxine · Leone_Maxine_stories on Yahoo! Groups, archived 26 August 2004 by the Wayback Machine. Group founded 19 June 2002.
  5. ^ maxinehouse in xfilesfic on LiveJournal. Peja's "tube of lube" challenge, Archived version, posted 30 January 2005.