Margaret Bertram

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Name: Margaret Bertram
Fandoms: Star Trek: TOS
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Margaret Bertram was a Star Trek: TOS fan from the UK. She was a fanwriter and con organizer.

Margaret passed away in 1989.


Margaret Bertram, the "Grandmother of British Star Trek," died in the early hours of January 18th, 1989. It was the end of an era.

Since the earliest days of Star Trek in Britain Margaret had always been there as an active participant. She attended the get-together at Wigeton Church Hall in February 1971,[1] the aim of which was to discover the amount of support there would be for a Star Trek Convention in Britain. I clearly recall that, as we were looking at the goodies on the sales tables there, Margaret caught her foot in the strap of a shoulder bag someone had left on the floor. As she took a step the shoulder bag moved with her. Instead of complaining about nearly falling over, she laughed and said what an excellent way it was of collecting bags.

It was at one of Dorothy Owen's conventions at the (then) Dragonara Hotel in Leeds in 1976 or 77, that Margaret entered the Fancy Dress Show. "Show" it was, in those days. Participants worked in groups, devised a story line to act out, and chose music to accompany the action. Margaret's group were "ladies of the night' and Margaret was the "Madame" in charge. Although they appeared to be about their dubious business, they were in fact a cover for an inter-galactic spy ring! Not so long ago Margaret told me that she had been absolutely terrified about the whole thing. When she realised that it was their turn next, and she saw the great empty space whore they were to parade yawning out in front of her, she wanted nothing more than to turn and run in the opposite direction. But then their music started and they were "on". (I think they won a prize, too).

Margaret was sixty years plus when she first entered fandom. Last July 14th, she celebrated her eightieth birthday and she was still actively engaged as the secretary for renewal subscriptions for "G.H.T." George Takel's Official Worldwide Fan Club. She loved every moment of her Trek years, and had long since forgotten that she was probably the oldest fan present at conventions. Her outlook was young, and her humour boundless. The last convention she attended was Midcon '88 at Leicester.

George Takei adopted her as his "English Grandma". He sent her a card for her 80th birthday (as did Gene Roddenberry, and other "Crew" members. Richard Arnold also signed a card for her). George often dropped her a line, or phoned hor when he was in Britain. She was a very special lady.

Her help, advice, and support, will be greatly missed by "G.H.T". She was always there, and ready to discuss any problem which arose, and she acted an interpreter for German Trek fans and their enquiries. Her place will never be filled.

Not only "G.H.T." members will miss Margaret, but also scores of other Trek friends that she has made over the years. Her passing is a great loss to us all, but her memory, and the laughter, end the good times, will linger on for over. That is the way she would have liked it. [2]
