MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on themonkeycabal

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Interviews by Fans
Title: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on themonkeycabal
Interviewer: MCU Wintershock
Interviewee: themonkeycabal
Date(s): July 10, 2015
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Marvel Cinematic Universe
External Links: MCU Wintershock Author Spotlight on themonkeycabal, Archived version
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Part of a Series

See MCU Wintershock Spotlights.


"What about Wintershock as a pairing appeals to you?

I think, if you take a quick glance at them, they do have some things in common. They both followed their crazy besties around, trying to keep them out of trouble, or keep them from being arrested and/or murdered — they’re loyal pals. They’ve both got an element of sass and smart ass. They’re both mother hens.

Then in their opposites, it’s interesting, too. Brooding and angsty; fun and snarky. It’s delightful in that way that sweet and salty go together.

Plus, I mean, just purely on an aesthetic, yet entirely shallow level, they’d be damned attractive together."

"How did you first encounter the pairing?

Oh geez, I don’t know. Probably some sort of post across my dash. And then, see above about the attractiveness.

In my own series, it wasn’t even a pairing I considered until they literally sat down together, and then something just clicked. Completely unexpected."

"Do you have any specific Wintershock headcanons? Are there any particular fic tropes you like concerning the pairing?

I think the obvious trope of Darcy helping Bucky find his way back to himself must be terribly appealing all over the place. It has the potential for sweetness, for angst, for trauma, for humor. A big ball of anything you could want, I suppose.

My headcanon for my own series, is that Darcy’s always had a fascination with WWII. Not necessarily a crazy into it history buff, but there’s always been an interest. It’s part of why she goes to study Political Science. And not just Steve Rogers, but Bucky Barnes, too, are probably these semi-mythic historical figures in the world of the MCU. Bucky’s story being symbolic of friendship, loyalty, and sacrifice. Darcy’s very curious.

But, because of her interest in the era, she’s also a pretty good person to have interact with Bucky, because she’s got an idea of what things where like. She knows how to make ‘then’ and 'now’ a little more relatable to each other. She totally taught Steve how to use the internet. "

"What Wintershock fic by someone else would you recommend to others to read? What about this fic appeals to you?

The other worst question. I’m going to be horrible here. I have no idea. I haven’t read any.

Not out of any snobbishness or anything, but when I start writing in a fandom, I stop reading in that fandom. It’s not intentional, it just happens. So, I don’t think I’ve read more than a couple MCU fics since I started the Run 'Verse, and that was two years ago, and none at all recently."

"What kind of Wintershock story would you love to read that hasn’t been written yet by you or others? ...I’d say, if I’m not writing it, I’d like to see — adventure. Bonding through crazy-ass adventure. And things blowing up. I’m very fond of that. Smut’s all well and good, but an awesome adventure that leads to smut? That’s the stuff."