Lu Ten

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Name: Lu Ten
Occupation: Fire Nation Prince, Soldier
Relationships: Iroh (father), Ozai (uncle), Ursa (aunt), Zuko and Azula (cousins), Azulon (grandfather), Sozin (great-grandfather)
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Lu Ten is a minor character in the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender.


Lu Ten is a prince of the Fire Nation and soldier in its military. He is killed before the events of the main story during the Seige of Ba Sing Se and appears briefly in flashbacks. In life Lu Ten was close to his father and his death is a major factor in Iroh's retirement and change of heart as well as Ozai's attempt to usurp his brother's place as heir to the throne.


As a very minor character in canon Lu Ten is mainly explored through his relationships with other, more major Fire Nation characters. In particular, most portrayals involve his relationship with his father and/or younger cousins.

Tropes & Fanon

  • Lu Ten Lives: It is very common for fanworks including Lu Ten to avert his canon death, resulting in a variety of AUs.
  • Good Cousin Lu Ten: Lu Ten is often portrayed as fun-loving and kind to his younger cousins, especially Zuko.


Lu Ten is not a common figure for shipping, probably due in part to his on-screen and off-screen interactions being few and focused primarily on his relationship with his father, though he does have some rarepairs. He is much more commonly found in gen relationships with other members of the Fire Nation's royal family.


Gen Pairings

Example Fanworks



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