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Title: Lived
Author(s): Amanda Dupuis
Date(s): Sep 1998 - Jan 2001
Genre(s): het, angst, epistolary fic
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: edited version, original version

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Lived is a Hanson fanfic written by Amanda Dupuis (also known as Llama). It was originally written in September 1998, then edited and reposted from July 16, 2000 to January 2001. The story is written as a posthumous letter to Zac following his untimely death.


A screenplay version of Lived was written and posted by Amy-Grace Rogis in 2001. It removes references to Hanson and coverts it into an original story, and was written with Amanda's permission.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Llama is the queen of Hanfic. She’s the one we all strive to be. And we miss her terribly. Thank heavens, she’s left her stories for us even though she’s moved on. “Lived” is Llama at her best and most painful. My gosh, I don’t even know how to describe this one. It’s a love story. And, a tragedy. Beautifully written and painful sometimes to the point of tears. When you’re done with this one, read all her other stories, there’s not a bad one in the bunch, even the old school ones! “Glint of Heaven” was the best of the best of young Hansons in love. Relive Hanson circa ’97 in these stories.[2]

An amazing story. Good luck to Amanda on rewriting it non-hanson style![3]

Despite my definite preference for fanfiction that features Taylor as the male lead, this is my favourite Hanson story of all time! It is nothing short of incredible, and made me see Zac in a completely different way. Lived will make you cry...not because it's sad on the screen, but because it's sad in your heart. Does that make any sense at all? It doesn't matter - just READ it. It's so touching, and I can guarantee that you will read the story from beginning to end, with no bathroom breaks, because you will not be able to leave until it's finished. It's well worth the time it takes to read it, and really, even if you're not a "specialized" Zac fan, you will FEEL this story.[4]


Lived won awards in the Hanfic Awards, Literary Hanfic Awards, Really Big Hanson Fanfic Awards and Soundtrack Awards. It was eliminated in round one of Last Story Standing. It was featured as story of the week at Hanson Story Links. It is also featured in the and Various Artists halls of fame, as well as the Your Illusion top five lists.
