Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend

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Title: Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend
Author(s): cherrybina
Date(s): 06 January 2010
Length: 15,338 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend (camelotsolstice)
Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend (LiveJournal)
Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend (AO3)

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Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend is a Merlin/Arthur story by cherrybina. It was one of the fandom favorites that came out of the 2009 camelotsolstice gift exchange and was written for manisseta.


It's the hottest summer in Camelot's history. Arthur is confused about what he likes, Merlin tries to help him figure it out, but neither one of them has a clue what they really want.

The story features virgin!Arthur and deals with Arthur coming to terms with his sexuality. Merlin helps him realize that he is attracted to men, maybe even one of his knights, but when Arthur really looks at what he wants he finds that his feelings for Merlin are even stronger.

The author later wrote a 1,700 word sex explicit sequel that was posted May 26, 2010: In Pursuit of Perfection.


Merlin had realised a long time ago that Arthur really is disgustingly good at everything he does, so it's no surprise at all when he learns firsthand that despite a late start, Arthur is rather brilliant at sex.

Recs and Reviews

In the heat of the summer, Arthur gets very excited after training with his knights. Sir Leon has caught his eye and Arthur is not sure what to do. More accurately, he has no idea what to do. Merlin, who had a few tumbles back in Ealdor, tries to encourage him. But the more they talk, the more Arthur’s interest seems to shift to Merlin. And then, they have a tumble together ^^ Kind of adorable story, though it has a slow start. The thing with Leon takes just too long for my liking. And there is a scene with Morgana, that could have been expanded a little more but the story still works. Also, it has a sexually clueless Arthur which is just too cute ^^ But we got a hot making out session :D[1]

Arthur is embarrassed about being attracted to men (particularly his very handsome knights). Merlin, ever the country boy, doesn’t see the problem and encourages Arthur to embrace it. I love reading about Arthur struggling with his sexuality and balancing his own wants with his duties to Camelot. I also love how Merlin will never care about what the ‘rules’ are.[2]

There was so much that I enjoyed about this fic. Merlin and Arthur’s relationship was delightful, and I loved the teasing nature of it, especially from Merlin. Arthur’s struggle with his own sexuality was well written, and I liked that Merlin was the one that had more experience between the two of them.[3]

I loved seeing a more experienced Merlin helping Arthur understand himself and what he likes. Arthur’s insecurities were conveyed really nicely.[4]

Wonderful fic that has an inexperienced Arthur figuring out his desires during a Camelot heat wave.[5]


  1. ^ yasisfanficrecs. Let Go and Watch the Sunlight Bend (Merthur), 29 January 2013. (Accessed 02 February 2013)
  2. ^ "August 24, 2016". Archived from the original on 2023-03-02.
  3. ^ "August 12, 2016". Archived from the original on 2023-03-02.
  4. ^ "Merthur Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-03-02.
  5. ^ "Merlin Canon Recs More Than 10,000 Words". Archived from the original on 2023-03-02.