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Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans Journal
Zine | |
Title: | Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans Journal |
Publisher: | Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans |
Editor(s): | Peggye Vickers and Gloria Lillibridge |
Type: | club newsletter |
Date(s): | Fall 1967-? |
Frequency: | four times a year?print |
Fandom: | Star Trek: TOS |
Language: | English |
External Links: | |
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The Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans Journal (LNNAF Journal) was a fan club zine.
It contains photos, interviews, photos, letters from Nimoy, artwork, fan letters, and industry news.
There were three issues, each published in-between issues of Chatter Boxes, a LNNAF bulletin. After these three issues, this publication became the LNAF Yearbook.
For a list of similar zines, see List of Star Trek TOS Zines Published While the Show Was Still On the Air.
Issue 1
Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans Journal 1 was published in the summer of 1967.

From a blurb in Chatter Boxes #2: "Our first LNNAF Journal will be issued in July. One of the articles which will be featured is an "Open Forum" in which LNNAF members are invited to express their opinions on a given subject. The subject of the first "Open Forum" will be: "What do you like best about Mr. Spock" -- and members are urged to submit their opinions for publication no later than May 31st."
This issue includes photos of Leonard Nimoy as himself, as Spock, and in other movies including "Deathwatch" and "The Balcony." Also contains the article about LNNAF president Peggye Vickers' visit with him in Hollywood, articles by fans who attended personal appearances; and his answers to members' questions.
- Leonard and Sandi Nimoy (photo of them getting into a car) (3)
- Honorary President's Letter, by Nimoy (An excerpt: "Now its back to STAR TREK, and I must say again I am looking forward to it. It is, of course, the heart of my activities and I have been away from the activity of playing Mr.Spock for a long time, I'm looking forward to getting into that make-up and wardrobe once more and work with the excellent actors and crew who are associated with the show. There seems to be a lot of interest in the possibility of a Vulcan girl appearing on STAR TREK. To the best of my knowledge we may do a story in which the ENTERPRISE makes a trip to Vulcan and I would suspect that we just might meet a Vulcan girl on that planet. I will do my best during the course of the season to let you know of any shows of particular interest. Meanwhile, I would like all of you to keep in touch as you have in the past... ") (4)
- Leonard Nimoy, by Maureen Wright (Wright had been Nimoy's part-time secretary ("which includes being a right hand to [one's] boss, coffee girl, plus all the other duties that go with such a position") for the past six months. Wright explains the reason she is only part-time is because her other job is being a full-time secretary for Pat Boone.) (6)
- Dedication (7)
- The LNNAF Staff, photos and short bios of Mrs. Peggye Vickers, Mrs. Gloria Lillibridge, and Miss Thelda Hall) (8)
- A Thank-You Note by Maggie Rose (focus on Nimoy's role in "Daniel Boone") (9)
- Spotlighting: Our First Members, short bios of five fans (10)
- Somewhere a Place, poem by Jean Ellenbacher (11)
- Information Please... (Nimoy answers some fan questions: "Writing is the loneliest job I know of - I find it very painful to be alone." Also says his last name is pronounced "NEE-moy.") (12)
- Suggestion Box (one fan suggests a Spock doll that sang lullabies to children - "Children would love it and mothers would approve" - another fan who is a beautician wants to create a haircut for little girls called "Little Miss Spock" and for teens "Miss Spock," and she includes a drawing) (14)
- A Tribute to Leonard Nimoy by Tina DoBrocky (16)
- Leonard Nimoy Is..., poem by Maureen Bourns (16)
- Leonard Nimoy: He's Really Out of This World! by Rosalie Rubenstein (17)
- A Visit to Desilu Studios by Thelda J. Hall (18)
- Star Trek, poem by Margarete Williams (18)
- Illogical, poem by Marguerite Williams (yes, spelled differently than the previous author) (19)
- President's Mailbag (20)
- Friend Vulcan, fan fiction in the form of a letter, by Mrs. Patricia Hale (24)
- A September Beginning, essay by Maggie Rose (25)
- See Out and Discover, essay by Larry Kidd (28)
- Publicity by Millie Pohl (LNNAF Publicity Director) (28)
- Chapter Action by Nancyann Hiera, President of Spock's People (a fan club with 87 members based in Chicago) (29)
- Open Forum: What Do You Like Best About Mr. Spock?, many fan comments (31)
- What's Cookin'?, a recipe for "Sandi's Cold Soup" (sent by Sandi Nimoy, one of Leonard's favorites): 2 cans cream of celery soup / 1/2 of 1/2 pint sour cream (so, 1/2 cup) / Juice of Lemon / One cucumber / Green Pepper / Almost 2 cans cold water / Lawny's Season Salt / 3 Green Onions / 2 Tomatoes. Beat together soup, water and sour cream with a hand beater. Add seasoning salt and lemon juice; cut vegetables into large hunks and add to soup mixture. Refrigerate overnight to chill. Before serving, chill soup bowls. (37)
- Fan Club Listings (38)
- A Sailor of Space, poem by Kathy Imbrigotta (38)
- Remember When? (short episode descriptions) (39)
- Who?, love vignette by Fran Johnston (41)
- An Analysis of Leonard Nimoy's Handwriting by Fran Johnston (41)
- The Real Nimoy by Marguerite and Maria Williams (42)
- Why Leonard Nimoy is a Favorite of Mine by Arlene Maniscalco (meeting Nimoy on April 22, 1967 at Vogel's Record Shop in Elizabeth, NJ) (43)
- We Met Mr. Nimoy, Too!, report by Linda Gousman and Janet Lageman (about seeing Nimoy at the Town and Country Music Store in Westwood, NJ on a Saturday afternoon: "The little things he does to please his fans shows us that he loves us and know that we love him!") (43)
- Mr. Spock, poem by Kathy Imbriogotta (44)
- Mr. Spock in Miniature, article by Peggy Vickers about a fan who makes Spock dolls (46)
- I Met Leonard Nimoy, report about meeting Nimoy at the airport by Nancyann Hiera ("Mr. Nimoy was so accommodating - instead of the original five minutes with us as planned, he spent a half hour! After we had been conversing and taking pictures for some time, a wizened gray old photographer ambled in and asked for a picture for some newspaper. Mr. Nimoy was very obliging, and we all got up, ready fo the photographer to pose us. He told two girls to get up on chairs behind him and wrap their arms around him. To the rest of us he said. "Look like you're trying to touch him." Well, we all looked very silly and felt about as smart as Gomer Pyle, and we could see by Mr. Nimoy's expression that he felt a bit embarrassed. The photography left soon afterwards, ushered out of the room by cold stares and hushed growling noises.") (47)
- Relativity and Humanoid, two poems by Mildred Torgerson (48)
- Leonard Nimoy's Movies (49)
- My Trip to Washington by Leonard Nimoy (includes photos, one is of Nimoy standing in front of a UNIVAC 494) (51)
- Quizzing Leonard Nimoy - 1953 by Ann Hreha (two answers: favorite food was marinated herring in sour cream, was most sensitive about his broken nose) (reprinted from the 1953 issue of "Thespian Hi-Lites") (55)
- Knowing Nimoy - 1953 by Irene Soares (Gaudette) (reprinted from the 1953 issue of "Thespian Hi-Lites") (56)
- Quizzing Leonard Nimoy - 1967 (one answer: Nimoy said he was the most sensitive about his acting) (reprinted from the March 1967 issue of "Thespian Hi-Lites") (58)
- The Other "Dr." Spock - Leonard Nimoy by Irene Gaudette (reprinted from the March 1967 issue of "Thespian Hi-Lites") (59)
- A Wonderful Gentleman - Leonard Nimoy by Anna Hreha (reprinted from the March 1967 issue of "Thespian Hi-Lites") (60)
- Before - The Past - Now - The Present - And Nimoy's Future, essay by Irene Gaudette (61)
- That Was Really the Week That Was!, a very detailed article by Rosalie Rubenstein about Nimoy's appearance on television on April 19th (The Johnny Carson Show, where Nimoy sang "Lost in the Stars"), and April 21 (The Today Show with Barbara Walters) (64)
- Contest (finish the sentence "Leonard Nimoy is ___" with a created new word that best describes him. The prize is an old tie bar and cuff links that Nimoy used to own and donated to the club.) (66)
- In the Country of the Blind the One-Eyed Man is King ("That's Where You Are Wrong!"), fiction by Terry Hornsey (first of four parts, parts two-four are in Chatter Boxes #3, #4, and #5) (67)
- Leonard Nimoy Presents Mr. Spock's Music from Outer Space, review by Tina DoBrocky (Musical Reviewer, Fellowship Alliance Network: F.A.N.) (69)
- The Enterprise, poem by Bonnie Bonsor (70)
- President's Letter, by Peggye Vickers (71)
Issue 2
Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans Journal 2 was published in Winter 1967 and contains 40 pages.
From Nimoy's letter:
Dear Friends,
First, I would like to express myself in regards to the first LNNAF Journal. I would like you to know that 1 feel a very difficult task was accomplished beautifully. Not only was the Journal well laid out, and painstakingly prepared, but it added up to a very exciting piece of reading. I was thoroughly pleased. Having read it, I have a very new and meaningful insight into the intensity of interest of the fans. Your affection, your sincere expressions of feeling, were in fact, deeply moving to me. I am certain that it will have an effect on my work in the future, and more specifically, my relationship with you wonderful and very definitely individual people who are interested in my work. Congratulations to Peggye and all involved.
From a fan's letter:
Some people laugh at me...when I tell them I'm a member of a fan club. A few laugh because of my age, big deal — I'm 21!
They think of fan clubs as something only for children! How uninformed they must be! Age makes no difference! When my laughing acquaintances discover I'm a fan of the guy on TV with the pointed ears, they laugh again and ask me what I see in him. Let them laugh! I'll laugh right back! I'm proud to be one of Leonard Nimoy's many admirers!
I've never been a truly devoted fan club member before in my life. I never really bothered to be before! No one personality ever had that much of an affect on me! Why LN affected me that much, I'll never quite understand. Perhaps it's because of his characterization of Mr. Spock. After all, my first true recognition of LN was as Spock. His portrayal of Mr.Spock is so real and believable; this proves LN's excellent acting ability!
To other LN fans I say; If someone laughs at you for the same reason I've been laughed at, laugh right back at them! Tell them, "You don't know what you're laughing at — Leonard Nimoy is something else; he's the greatest!!!"
From another fan:
Didn't it strike you as odd that at something so important as Mr, Spook's wedding, the Vulcan language was not used? After all, T'Pau SAID that the ceremony had been handed down through the ages without change. Well, I proposed this question to the Los Angeles Herald- Examiner's TV GUIDE, and this is the answer they printed:
- "There are seven reasons why the Vulcan language wasn't used. 1) The people with Nielsen meters attached to their TV sets only understand English. Knowing that, we can forget the other six reasons."
- Honorary President's Letter (3)
- The LNNAP Staff, photos and short bios (5)
- Spotlighting...Our Active Members, short bios (6)
- President's Mailbag (7)
- The Dragon That Was Dressed in Green by Sally Wish (about Wish winning the contest described in the previous issue in which fans were tasked with creating a new word to describe Leonard Nimoy. Nimoy's letter was reprinted, and he wrote: "To be called "Spocktacular" is very flattering. May I join the staff of the LNNAF in thanking you and congratulating you on choosing the winning word? Please find the enclosed set of cuff links and tie bar which I hope you or some member of the family will find useful and enjoy.") (8)
- Information, Please... (questions posed to Nimoy and his answers, some examples: "I answer as much personal fan mail as possible. 1 have a Girl Friday to take care of notifying chapters and general inquiries, when she has time to do so— usually she makes it a rule to keep up." and "My honest opinion of fans: I have found them by and large to be a lot of wonderful people." and "I think I understand [today's teens], I definitely like them, and I'm counting on them to run the country well - in the future." and "I don't honestly believe that I have found anything frustrating in playing Mr. Spock." and "I don't particularly like to dance." (9)
- Leonard Nimoy Appears... (photos and short descriptions of Nimoy at various functions) (11)
- Leonard Nimoy — A Man, essay by Naomi Bradfield (about Nimoy's greatness, as well as his needing more time to rest and have a private life: "Of course, to a fan, there is nothing so unsettling as not hearing or reading about The One, but if we do not allow him to rest at least during some of the time he is not working, we will lose everything we love about both Nimoy and Mr. Spock. His smile, his willingness to be with people, and indeed, his whole self. Leonard Nimoy does not seem to me to be a selfish man,for even though being a Star requires him to be pleasant for his own good, he has a genuine interest in people and likes to be with them. Okay, then let not be selfish. Let's give him a chance to live his own life for awhile. In appreciation he will give us all he has of himself in his work, no matter if it be as Mister Spook, Leonard Nimoy, or whoever he is in the future. After all, he is a man — and that is only logical!") (12)
- Chapter Action (13)
- Yomindranoel (Leonard Nimoy spelled backwards, an ad for an imaginary medication: "A perfect prescription that blends an equal amount of Vulcanite (a very rare and special ingredient) and Spocketism (not to mention its fine, inviting flavor) the way no other medicine can.") (15)
- So Those Are The Famous Ears! a very, very, very long report by Peggye Vickers about visiting the Star Trek set (includes ten photos of Vickers on the set of the Enterprise, with Nimoy behind the scenes of the show, and of Nimoy reading a copy of the Summer 1967 issue of this journal) (17)
- Publicity by Millie Pohl (23)
- ICPC Convention Diary, a con report by Maggie Rose for The International Council of Fan Clubs, LNNAF was first represented in the 10th annual session, held October 20-22 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel (25)
- Contest (the LNNAF had 1256 members, the contest was to guess how many members the club would have by December 31, 1967. The winner will receive a phone call from Leonard Nimoy) (26)
- Meeting Leonard Nimoy (fans recall personal visits, behind the scenes at the Johnny Carson Show visit, at May's Department Store in New York for a Dot Record promotion, at Riverside Park in Agawam, MA, much more, (27)
- What Is A Leonard Nimoy?, essay by Bonnie Laney ("A Leonard Nimoy is a creature of numerous talents. He sings, he acts and he is a marvelous personality. His baritone voice is soothing to the ear and his ac ting is a wonder to behold. As for his personality. WOW! [...] His career is bound to take up momentum. Like a snowball as it rolls along faster and faster, growing all the while!! ") (35)
- LNNAF Active & Honorary Presidents (36)
- Guest Starring....Steve Ihnat (interview and photo) (27)
- Scenes from Leonard Nimoy's Movies (photos) (39)
- Active President's Letter ("It is my extreme pleasure to announce that the member who has won the NIMOY AWARD of 1967 is Miss Nancyann Hiera of Chicago, Illinois. Nancyann is an LNNAF Chapter President who spent nine months working on a handbill project [the hand bills advertised Mr. Spock, STAR TREK, and the LNNAF] — One hundred handbills went to 25 deejays across the country; i.e., each deejay received 100 handbills which also advertised that deejay and his station. It proved to be a very expensive project and Nancyann financed the project with a summer job and babysitting. It was also Nancyann who, on behalf of her chapter, sent a petition to YOU DON'T SAY which was responsible for Leonard Nimoy's having been invited to appear on that show for the first time. Leonard Nimoy presented the Award to Nancyann on November 26th while he was in Chicago to appear in their Thanksgiving Parade and I'm sure she was especially thrilled to receive the engraved plaque from our Honorary President! It was a wonderful coincidence that he was to be in her city and could take advantage of the timing to personally present the Award to her, wasn't it! There are very many members who have been extremely active and deserving of special awards and we wish each one of you could have won this Award, but I know you will all join us in saying "congratulations!" to Nancyann Hiera, our first NIMOY AWARD winner!") (see photo and commentary at Papergreat: The Nimoy Award for 1967 goes to..., Archived version) (40)
Issue 3
Leonard Nimoy National Association of Fans Journal 3 was published in Summer 1968.