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Kirk and Spock--The Full Monty

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Title: Kirk and Spock--The Full Monty
Creator: Shelley Butler
Date(s): June 2, 1998
Medium: online
Fandom: Star Trek
External Links: online here, along with follow-on discussion
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Kirk and Spock—The Full Monty is an essay posted by TSU member Shelley Butler to alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated. It offers a brief history of K/S fan art in print fanzines and its target audience was Netfans who had never seen a fanzine before.

I understand there have been some TSU lectures here recently about the history of K/S zine fandom, and I thought I'd add a short lecture on art in K/S zines. I'd like to explain about art in K/S, and show some of you out there who may not be familiar with zines or the artwork associated with them, an example of what the art looks like.

The "olden" days, before VCRs and readily available episode tapes, the artists had only their imagination, memory and a stray photo or two, to use as source material to draw Kirk and Spock in all their compromising positions.

Sometimes it was very, very successful --- as in the art of Gayle F., Southern Cross, Pat Stall or Marilyn Cole, DEW and a number of others. The drawings of these women are guaranteed to take your breath away. Othertimes, it was not so successful. You couldn't tell your Kirk from your any other human male, and you could tell your Spock, but only because of the ears (and maybe the double ridges!).

But although these artists may have been short on the source material or even the talent, they were long, long, long on love for K/S, and it comes through loud and clear. The old zines were often filled with art of all kinds, and even photos (pre-Paramount suing-the-pants-off-of-you-days), and adorned with beautiful graphics, borders and typefaces. Some of those zine are really gorgeous. Often we would buy a zine just because of its cover.

Today, we have way fewer zines and way fewer artists. But new zines usually have a fair amount of artwork inside them, and usually a dynamite cover. Robin Hood of Merry Men Press zines does a front (g-rated) cover and a matching back (explicit) cover. (You can also still collect the old zines, if you hunt at cons and such.)

Somehow, the interpretation of Kirk and Spock together in artwork really fuels the imagination more than any photograph---there's a powerful emotion behind every drawing! And there aren't any photos of them in some of the situations we put them in!!

Anyway, there's a whole world of zines and zine art out there and if you'd like a taste of what you might find in a zine, you can look at this web page that Killashandra so kindly put up for me. http://members.aol.com/KILLASDRA/BUTLER.html [site is now offline].

If you want to know more about how to write for, draw for, or buy K/S zines, please write to [name and address redacted]. [She] has agreed to field requests for information.

Thanks a lot for letting me do a little adjunct lecture. I'm thrilled to see so many new K/S fans online, and I hope to see some of you over here in the zine world as well.