Joey Wheeler

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Name: Joey Wheeler, Jonouchi Katsuya
Relationships: Best friend of Yugi Moto, Tristan Taylor, Téa Gardner and Ryou Bakura, Serenity Wheeler's brother.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
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Joey Wheeler, known as Jonouchi Katsuya in the manga and Japanese version, is a male protagonist in Yu-Gi-Oh. He was originally a bully, but his friendship with Yugi Moto changed him over time.


He's a major character in the fandom, being tagged in over a third of AO3's fourteen-thousand YGO fics.

Thanks to the English dub of the series, he is often portrayed in fanworks as having a Brooklyn accent, even in works trying to be faithful to the original Japanese version; this is sometimes given a reason, like him living in the United States in the past, but more often people just accept it without any explanation.

Joey's Chin Meme

This meme originated from the Duel Monsters anime, where Joey would sometimes make a weird face when he was boasting about something, having a creepy smile and a big chin; according to an Animation director of the anime, it was inspired by the wrestler Antonio Inoki, who was very popular in Japan and someone who they thought that Joey would like.[1]


His most popular pairing in fanworks is with Seto Kaiba, known as Puppyshipping or Violetshipping, with them being the most popular Yu-Gi-Oh ship on Archive Of Our Own. In canon, he gets some ship tease with Mai Valentine, with their ship being called Polarshipping, but it never goes anywhere.

Examples Fanworks



  1. ^ Article about the meme