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Bruce Banner/Jane Foster
Pairing | |
Pairing: | Jane Foster/Bruce Banner |
Alternative name(s): | Jane/Hulk |
Gender category: | Het |
Fandom: | Thor/Hulk, The Avengers Movieverse (Marvel Cinematic Universe) |
Canonical?: | Non-Canon |
Prevalence: | rare |
Archives: | Bruce/Jane works on (AO3) |
Other: | |
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Bruce/Jane is the rare non-canon pairing of Bruce Banner (aka Hulk) and Jane Foster from Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Bruce/Jane is one of the rarer pairings shipped in MCU fandom as a romantic pairing, as a platonic pairing they are often considered to be friends or part of the "science" team along with Tony Stark (which sometimes includes Betty Ross as well).
- Jurassic Park, Archived version, a Jurassic Park!AU picspam of Steve/Darcy and Bruce/Jane.
- Bruce/Jane, Archived version Pacific Rim AU picspam
- Bruce/Jane, Archived version accidental marriage AU picspam
- SMASH, Archived version
- Jane/Bruce tagged recs at Het Reccers
Archives and Fannish Links
- Bruce/Jane tagged works on AO3.
- Bruce/Jane fics on FFN (Thor/Avengers crossover category).
- Bruce x Jane tag at Tumblr.