It all comes back to you

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Title: it all comes back to you
Author(s): scarlettroses
Date(s): January to February, 2018
Length: 29,617 words
Genre(s): modern, fake dating, romance
Fandom(s): Newsies
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it all comes back to you, colloquially known as "The Cake Fic," is a Jack/David Newsies slash fic published in 2018. It has the fake dating and friends to lovers tropes and has a modern setting.

Reactions and Reviews

My actual reaction when I saw you'd updated was to message my friend and say 'THE CAKE STORY UPDATED' This story is so good. So good. It's tender and heartbreaking and funny and my goodness you balance the sweet and the sad and the silly so goshdarn well. I got all teary reading it even as I was laughing over Jack's profane stories and Davey's no-nonsense responses. And Medda! And Smalls! Good heavens I'm hooked.


This is amazing it has made me laugh repeatedly and so hard i choked on my tea and had try to explain the avocado toast thing to a ten year old. It's almost made me cry like three times. I want to smash their head in bc I want them to just kiss already but I'm also terrified that's it's going to come out over dinner with the fam and they're just screaming at each other. I need to lay down. I can wait for more!!


I don’t know what to say this fic makes me so happy I’ve literally been following it since chapter one oh gosh

Your writing was phenomenal! Jack and davey amd everyone’s characterizations were spot on and I loved sprace being married and crutchie being the wedding cake guy and I adored Elmer and Albert and just. Kath and Sarah getting married???? I’m?!

Jack and daveys dynamkc was so good and heartbreaking and I just adored everything about this story and I need to read it 1000 more times thank you


this is honestly not only one of the best fake relationship aus ive probably ever read (the way everything was written in such a colloquial tone made it feel more like i was being told a funny story at a party or smthn and just the adorable plot with just the write amount of angst? i was literally giggling the whole time except for when i was crying oops) but definatly one of the best fanfictions ive read for any fandom in a recent memory if not of all time and it most certainly falls into my top 3 fave javid fics and probably at least my top 10 fanfics of all time


Commonly referred to as “the cake fic,” Davey and Jack pretend to to be engaged to get free cake, and well…things just happen from there. Hilarious, perfect pining. Background Newsbians and Sprace. Modern au, 13/13, T.[5]
