Induced Happiness

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Personal Fanfiction Website
Website: Induced Happiness
Author: Brittany
Dates: ? - 2009
Fandom: Harry Potter
Harry Potter page
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Induced Happiness was a personal fanfiction site. It was a member of The Harry Potter Slash Web Ring and had a shipping button from Magical Intrigue.

The hosting service was GeoCities.

Enter at your own risk... Slash? It’s about male/male relationships. If you don't like it, or it bothers you, go away. Flames will be used to roast marshmallows. None of these stories currently go past an R rating. So if you're looking for a Plot? What Plot? I know of some really nice Archives. I've only written Harry/Draco pairings. My current works in progress are Invisible (with Dancing Rain as my beta) and No One's Hero. I intend on writing a sequel to Invisible since the story is almost over. No, I won't be continuing Coming to Terms, it was my first attempt at slash. And I want to get around to continuing Between Haven and Hell sometime soon.


Between Heaven and Hell- Harry never got his scar. His parents never died. Someone on the inside murdered Voldemort before he got a chance to rise to power. He had underestimated the length at which a father would go to protect his son from a fate worse than death. They did not do it for the good of the wizarding world, far from it. Harry/Draco slash. Chapter 1 Rated: R-ish. Updated: 03-03-02

Who Could Ever Love...? - Harry has a talk with Ron, and things don't go as planned. Fluffy Harry/Draco slash. *new* Rated: PG-13. Updated: 03-03-02

Invisible -Harry/Draco slash. Harry isn't the only one who can become invisible. So what happens when they meet in the halls? What happens when they find out who the other person really is? Chapter 1 2 3 Rated: R.Updated: 03-3-02

Coming to Terms-One year after his best friend’s death, and Harry hasn't been able to deal with the loss. Nightmares have plagued him, and he starts to wonder if he has blocked out what really happened. Warning-Harry/Draco Slash. Chapter 1 2 Rated: R.Updated: 02-21-02

No One's Hero-Harry has lost himself, and one one notices. His life is a mess, and he doesn't care. No one had taken notice of his change except from Draco. Why is he the one who notices? Harry/Draco slash Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 Rated: R.Updated: 02-21-02


The site featured several buttons from other websites, including: