Indian Summer of a Vulcan

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Title: Indian Summer of a Vulcan
Author(s): Ellen M. Kozak
Date(s): 1979, 1980, 1982
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links:
an illo by Stephanie Hawks

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Indian Summer of a Vulcan is a Star Trek: TOS story by Ellen M. Kozak, art by Stephanie Hawks.

It was published in Academy Chronicles (1979), Archives #4 (1980), and Indian Summer and Other Seasons (May 1982).

Reactions and Reviews

[from a review of the story in Academy Chronicles]: For a club zine, this contains surprisingly good work. Outstanding here, though it would be notable anywhere, is Ellen Kozak's 'Indian Summer of a Vulcan,' a bittersweet piece that tells of a Spock who has outlived the Enterprise and all aboard her and how he becomes acquainted with one of Kirk's collateral descendants. For this story alone, it's worth your while to buy this zine. [1]


  1. ^ from Scuttlebutt #15