Icicles in the Sunrise

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Name: Icicles in the Sunrise, Starlight and Moonbeams: Comic: Bobby and Remy. (formerly)
Date(s): 2001 - present (last updated 2002)
Archivist: Sascha
Founder: Sascha
Type: Fanfiction, Fanart
Fandom: X-Men
URL: http://tentative.net/sascha/br/ ; archive link
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Icicles in the sunrise homepage.png

Icicles in the Sunrise, previously known as Starlight and Moonbeams, is a multi-author fanfiction and fanart archive in X-Men fandom focused on the pairing of Bobby Drake/Remy LeBeau. It contains 33 stories by 17 authors, and 17 pieces of fanart by 6 artists. It is currently still online, but has not been updated since 2002.

