I Am Femslash: Femslash Revolution Essay

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Title: Femslash Revolution Essay
Creator: waverly earp (Kayla)
Date(s): February 27, 2017
Medium: Tumblr post
External Links: I Am Femslash, Archived version (scroll down)
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I Am Femslash: Femslash Revolution Essay is a 2017 essay by waverly earp.

It is part of the I Am Femslash essay series sponsored by Femslash Revolution.


People give social media a bad rep and sometimes it’s well deserved, but it was because of the sapphic community on tumblr that I came to terms with the fact that I was part of said community and even more importantly, that it was okay.

I’m writing my topic on the sense of community, and that even if it’s virtual that it means a lot to the people who are part of it.

My first femslash pairing that I really got into was from Marvel's Agents of SHIELD, a year after I graduated from high school. Life was kind of weird for me in the sense that I was in such a different environment and that I could actually breathe and had time to figure out who I was as a person. I watched the first episode and I saw these two strong female characters (Daisy Johnson and Jemma Simmons) interact and have such an instant bond that something just felt right. I had already known about femslash from Harry Potter but it was always something that was pushed to the side, but with this pairing and with being active on tumblr it just sort of bloomed for me.

Part of that is finding this community who also saw this friendship between these two characters and just saw that it could be so much more. So I found myself following artists and writers and soon I actually got confident enough to create my content and it felt great.

Soon I wasn’t just shipping skimmons but I was discovering femslash pairings in other pairings and they just brought me so much joy and happiness. Femslash didn’t just help me realize that I wasn’t straight, it also helped me form friendships and to find my creativity once again.
