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Title: "hitchhiking"
Author(s): orphan_account
Date(s): 2013-2014
Length: 13391 words
Genre(s): Hurt/comfort
Fandom(s): Homestuck
External Links: on AO3, Archived version

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hitchhiking is an anonymous unfinished Homestuck fanfic.


Continuation of previous AHCOD ficlet: Eridan running away from home on the back roads of the Midwest, cold and hungry, entirely alone. A dude with Danny Zuko hair in a beat-up Camaro ends up offering him a ride. Humanstuck: Cronus and Eridan are not super closely related. A spinoff of a ficlet, and best read after the original.

THIS FIC HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. There will not be further updates. My apologies to anyone who was hoping for more, but this one's not going to be continued.


It's worth noting that the first part of this was written after the image of Cronus Ampora was revealed to the fandom--as something immediately dubbed 'greaserscar'--but before his actual personal debut. So none of us knew how much of an asshole he was.


Genre, tropes, tags, fanon

Development, narrative choices and inspiration

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