Help talk:Professional Fanworks

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How does these guidelines apply to works of art?

From looking over this page, a lot of this advice is oriented toward written works. I'd like to know (or at least some thoughts from others) on how these guidelines would apply to professionally published transformative art, such as Roy Lichtenstein's Look Mickey and the works of Ben Allen. Pinky G Rocket (talk) 16:53, 3 June 2023 (UTC)

Not an artist, but here's my opinion. Both appear to be examples of "Professionally published transformative works". You could create a page for the work itself, particularly if it resulted in discussions in fandom, or if it influenced a style of fanart. I'd also be interested to learn if the artists had any issues with the copyright holders? Were the properties/images in the public domain when the artist created these works? etc.
Alternatively, you could create a People page for the professional artist as someone who produces professional transformative works. --Auntags (talk) 21:55, 12 December 2023 (UTC)