Future Tense (Supernatural story)

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Title: Future Tense
Author(s): selecasharp
Date(s): 2010
Length: 31,256 words
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Relationship(s): Sam/Dean
External Links: story at LJ

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Future Tense is a Supernatural Wincest story written by selecasharp. The story was written as part of the help_haiti charity auction. It was selected to be part of petite madame's J2-S&D Calendar Wallpaper Project.

Summary: While on a case, Sam and Dean are given a vision of the future - a future in which they've stopped the apocalypse and are now, apparently, involved. Dean's convinced that it's another trick and insists that they forget it, but Sam can't let it - any of it - go.


Character driven, with an engrossing plot and natural development. There was no rush for the characters to arrive at the point we wanted them to be at. A great job at showing how emotions and relationship dynamics change and evolve. A totally satisfying read.[1]

A case file fic that turns out to be the missing puzzle pieces that Sam and Dean need to be complete. A delicious, long read that kept me invested and interested from the first to the last word with the clear and precise prose and swiftly moving story.[2]

Wonderful story, perfect combo of angst and happiness. I especially like how desperate they are at the end when they finally do give in. They both think each other is something special, something to protect, which is classic Winchester, canon or fanon.[3]

Love! I loved so much about this story! Wincest, prophetic visions given by rare and elusive dryads (Yes, actual dryads! It's awesome!), gigantic ancient oak trees, just so much fun! Sam is a little single-minded, but it totally works for him."[4]

Long and satisfying read in which Sam and Dean re-learn each other and we learn that 2 winchesters > 1 winchester <3[5]

Fan Art Gallery

Below is a some of the fanart created for this story.
