For Your Information Adzine

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Title: For Your Information Adzine ("For Your Information Ad Zine")
Publisher: Wizard Works
Editor(s): Jan Keeler
Date(s): December 1989-at least 1994
Medium: print
Fandom: multimedia
Language: English
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For Your Information Azine was an adzine published by Jan Keeler.

The zine's focus was print fanzines, where to buy them, what they were about, and how much they cost.

It was issued quarterly (March, June, September, December) beginning in 1989.


Printed at the beginning of each issue.

1. Length; please no longer then [sic] 8 lines (approx).
2. Ad must state whether it's ready to mail, ready to print, or is in the planning stages.
3. Write ad as you wish to see it printed. I won't write ads from flyers.
4. Only current issues will be listed with a description. All previous issues will be listed with price only, unless an issue is a novel within itself.
5. Ads will be listed for four (4) issues unless notified. If a zine becomes unavailable (sold out, cat ate the master, etc) please let us know immediately.
6. Zine ads will be taken at any time, however, since we wish to mail this zine the first week of its listed month, we cannot guarantee listings to be included if ads are received after the first of the month before publishing. Example: ads for Sept issue should be received by Aug 1st.

Issue 1

For Your Information 1 was published in December 1989.

Issue 2

For Your Information 2 was published in March 1990.

Issue 3

For Your Information 3 was published in June 1990.

Issue 4

For Your Information 4 was published in September 1990.

Issue 5

For Your Information 5 was published in December 1990 and contains 50 pages.

cover of issue #5

This issue contains the usual contingent of ads, including:

VIDEO CO-OP: Is anyone interested in helping me organize a "video browser's best of fandom" tape collection? Specifically, I'm looking for one tape with the best six episodes of each given fannish series. This way people could "sample" the series to dabble in a new fandom, or see the episode that so many fanfic stories refer to. I can begin with Simon s Simon, Pro's (Mixed quality of copies), ST:TNG, Alien Nation, Good Neighbors, Hardcastle & McCormick, Riptide. Will need (am particularly interested in) Starsky & Hutch, Classic Trek (Is this one necessary?), UNCLE, B7, Quantum Leap, Other fannish shows gladly accepted. I would pay the donor for the tape ("best" being defined by the tape donor—I cannot take requests for specific episodes.), and then dub it for cost and postage. Is there any interest in this? (Aside from my own?) Comments and suggestions only (including your vote on which six episodes from your favorite fandom(5) to include) to: Ann Teitelbaum.

ATTENTION NJ. METRO NYC. & PHILLY WISEGUY FANS: Would you like to meet other fans? Bet together periodically to discuss the show and its wonderful stars? Exchange videos, articles and other information? If the answer to any of the above is YES, send me a SASE. By the time you read this, we will have had our first gathering. -- Elizabeth Ford

FOR SALE; Candid photos of the Alien Nation cast taken at the 2/90 LA Creation Con salute to the show. 48 different poses of Gary Graham, Eric Pierpoint, Michele Scarabelli, Terri Treas, Sean Six, Lauren Woodland, Jeff Marcus, Ron Fassler, and Kenneth Johnson. Color snapshots are $1.00 each, postage included. SASE for the free brochure showing all the shots available. -- Ann Teitelbaum

Issue 19

For Your Information 19 was published in 1994 and contains 63 pages.

cover of issue #19