Fatui Con

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Online Convention
Name: Fatui Con
Dates: December 16-17, 2023
Focus: Genshin Impact, Fatui, Fatui Harbingers
URL: Twitter, Carrd
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Fatui Con is an online convention for the game Genshin Impact with a focus on the Fatui and the Fatui Harbingers. The event was hosted on Discord and required attendees to be 18+. There were a number of panels in the form of livestreams, an artist alley in the form of separate channels per tabling artist, and a "Harbinger Cup" wherein attendees could choose a Harbinger to represent and earn points for that Harbinger by participating and performing various activities. The convention Discord server had 950+ members on the first day of the convention.

Fatui Con is a fan created virtual event on Discord. It's like a convention but completely over Discord. The con's theme revolves around the Fatui and Harbingers, but we aim to celebrate the culture of the Genshin Community as a whole.

"About" page on Carrd


Saturday, December 16, 2023
Title Description
Opening Ceremony Welcome to Fatui Con! We will explain the rules and events.
QnA Session w/ Small Doodle Livestream Ruuv discusses their art journey and holds a QnA for their fans.
Bosie Lore Special Guest Bosie discusses their art journey, content and love for the Harbingers. Rating: Mature
Old Man Enjoyers Power Hour The perfect space for people who love old men characters to chat about why they gravitate toward them and discuss their appeal, while Artist Hana draws Dottore, Pantalone, or Neuvillette.
Bringing Art to Life with LIVE2D Special guest Tofubuns illustrates a piece of a Fatui/ Fatui related character (likely Lyney or Scara) and explains how to separate parts, the basics of LIVE2D, and more!
Cyberpunk x Genshin Impact Would Cyberpunk and Genshin Impact mix? Fiya thinks so! Join them as they explain the dynamics of their Cyberpunk AU with a live QnA answering your questions afterwards.
Fan Novels and Personal Zines: How to Turn Your Fics Into Books Can fanfiction actually become real novels? Strange Diamond thinks so! Join them as they show how writers can transform their fics into personal zines. There will be no audio for this panel.
Shio’s Scara Brainrot Corner Artist Shio streams art while answering questions and discussing the character Scaramouche as well as the dynamics of the ship, ChiScara.
Behind the Artist: Borbito Artist Borbito streams their art while explaining their art process, references, and ideas via text.
QnA and Doodling Chibi Harbingers! Join Artist Nabakisan as they draw chibi versions of the Fatui Harbingers while answering your burning questions.
Gartic Phone Pictionary meets Telephone-- Play against other agents and maybe win some points.
Help Me Draw the Fatui Harbingers! Help artist Astaroth draw all 11 Fatui Harbingers from memory! A QnA will also be hosted during the panel via text.
Mulled Wine and Mulled Ink: A Podcast by Bgtea Join us for a fireside chat where fanfiction writer Bgtea talks about her tips and tricks to writing long stories while she attempts to make (a supposed Russian-variant of) mulled wine in honour of everyone's favourite ginger harbinger! Cohost: MidnightKaito
Drawing Harbingers or Genshin Requests Join artist Astruma for an art stream featuring the Fatui Harbingers.
Muffin/Jinzu: Doodle With Me Muffin draws with the audience while discussing their work and answering your questions.
Kahoot How much do you know about Genshin Impact? Put your knowledge to the test and gain points for your harbinger!
Drawing Your Genshin Requests Want to see your favorite Genshin character drawn? Artist Luhuala draws your Genshin related requests while answering your questions!
Black and White Comic Workflow Artist Lyrie explains their workflow with their Lyney comic.
The Creation Of Genshin Tarot Join Brother Ming, the creator of Genshin Tarot, and his lead artist DDengArt and Graphic Designer SorryOutOfRice in talking about the history of the project and answer questions about its creation.
Dottore Date Sim Presentation Author explains their upcoming dating sim featuring Dottore, their work process, and their vision of Dottore as a character.
Bleeding Heart’s Zine 101 Arlebina fans rejoice! Bleeding Hearts is a for-charity fanzine celebrating the relationship and dynamic between Arlecchino & Columbina. Join their staff as they explain the zine, its guidelines, contributors, and more!
The (nonexistent) Zippers of Genshin Impact Where are all the zippers in Teyvat? Chalk has some theories.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Title Description
Kat’s Animation Corner Special Guest Kat streams their animation process while explaining how they work and answering any questions in chat.
Genshin Men Are HOT Ruru discusses the men of Genshin while streaming art.
Let's Draw Some Captain + Q&A Join artist Missem as they draw Capitano on stream. Feel free to ask them questions or just pop in to chat!  Co-host: Red
Character Analysis: Il Dottore As a scholar… you should stop by this panel! Dottore enthusiasts join Libra as they analyze the second Harbinger’s character and lore.
Make Your Pieces Shine! How to Turn Your Art and Writing Into Beautiful PDFs Special guest George goes over the basics to format a zine (what tools to use and how to organize your process), tips to come up with a design, and tips for execution to create beautiful PDF layouts from artworks and fanfiction, either for zines or for creators to sell/distribute their own works.
Frantic Fanfic (SFW) Fanfic writers unite! Create a story with other attendees in this roundtable game style event.
Jeopardy Compete against other attendees for a chance to win points!
Karaoke Sing your heart out!
Tartaglia as a Hero Special guest Nada discusses Childe as a character and their artwork.
Frantic Fanfic (NSFW) Fanfic writers unite! Create a story with other attendees in this roundtable game style event.
Guideline to Fanzines Pull out a pen and paper--Cavalierious will be presenting on fanfiction and giving tips on how to remain motivated while working on projects, how to get started with fanzines, and more!
Offerings for Lord Regrator Special Guest Strawbunny streams art while answering your questions for them via text.
Closing Ceremony


  • Kit (Admin)
  • Spice (Head Mod)
  • Sev (Moderator)
  • Dom (Moderator)
  • Cy (Moderator)
