Fantasies (Star Trek: TOS story by Kathy Resch)

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Title: Fantasies
Author(s): Kathy Resch
Date(s): 1985
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Fantasies is a Kirk/Spock story by Kathy Resch.

It was published in the print zine Naked Times #8.


"Certainly, a dream had caused this. Perhaps Spock had thought of cool water and, in his enormous need, an enormous quantity had been created. He had so little control left. Bits and pieces of visions paraded across the sky, upon the ground, around him. Zarabeth's gray eyes, proud breasts flaunting themselves before him; Leila's cool blondeness, the Romulan Commander's emeralds lips… Yet the visions vanished in fragments, torn pieces blow away in the wind."

Reactions and Reviews

"Fantasies," by [Kathy Resch], is a lovely story of Spock on the Shore Leave planet trying to deal with pon farr by conjuring up a fantasy lover to see him through his Time. As a K/S reader, I was completely unsurprised by the premise, or by his last fantasy, though Spock seemed to be. Even though the story was predictable, it was so well written and presented from such a point of view that this turned out to be a wonderfully unique, highly satisfying story. [1]
