Dragon Dreams

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Title: Dragon Dreams
Author(s): Morticia
Date(s): 2002 or before (Wayback capture)
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Dragon Dreams (Part 1) (Mort's Lair)
Dragon Dreams (Part 2) (Mort's Lair)
cover by Mrs Fish

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Dragon Dreams is a Mulder/Krycek AU by Morticia. It's a Pern fusion and Mrs Fish created a fanfic cover for the story.

Author's note:

This is an AU, written especially for Orangy, (see, I do occasionally write stories in response to requests). This M/K story is strictly speaking a cross-over, since it's set in a particular very popular fantasy world wherein there are a lot of dragons. Because the author of that said world has a nasty habit of suing the ass off people for writing stuff like this in her universe, I don't even dare acknowledge her name here (in case some nasty search-engine finds this story). For the same reason, all names (whether characters or places) are original. Having said that, I most respectfully agree that the world *is* hers and would like to mention right now that I have nothing worth suing for (unless you count eight cats as worldly wealth - which, as a matter of fact, I *do*, but that's a different story). I also, simply because I have a problem with the idea of graphic sex scenes with under-aged characters, have deliberately played with the character's ages so that anyone participating in those scenes are at least seventeen. Truth is, they probably would be a little younger in this scenario but I'm choosing my conscience here over accuracy. (Bad enough being sued, without being arrested too! <g>) [...] Due to the size of the story, I'm posting it in two parts.

Recs and Reviews

More AU, Dragon Dreams [is] set in a fantasy world, who`s name we will not mention. The characters are not from said fantasy world, but if you do know this fantasy world you will greatly amused. That and the sex is really hot.[1]

This is completely different from all the above. This is indeed a fairy-tale! Fox and Alex in the ear of dragon-riders and hatching or whatever that famous fantasy world is known about. Not much characterization or alien invasion to talk about, but still, there's betrayals and vicious tricks... and hot smut. Enough said.[2]

is an AU fantasy and so unlike Mort's normal style, which is often very dark and bleak, that I had to double check the author! This is written in a world that readers of certain Dragon orientated universe will recognise immediately.[3]


  1. ^ LilyCharlotte. The Blanketfort's Fic Rec Page: X-Files. (Accessed 03 April 2015)
  2. ^ aris in blue(s). X-Files Recs (Accessed 03 April 2015)
  3. ^ "X-Files recs (M/K)". Archived from the original on 2023-09-05.