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Name: Dindrane
Occupation: Lady, Nun, Quester
Relationships: one of the Pellispawn, closest to her brother Sir Percival; close friends with Sir Galahad
Fandom: Arthuriana, Arthurian Legend
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Dindrane is a character in Persevalus, the sister of Sir Percival. In the Arthuriana fandom, she is often conflated with one of Percival's sisters from Le Morte D'Arthur. Also known as the Grail Heroine, this sister is unnamed and technically a distinct character from Dindrane, who was also called Heliabel and probably evolved into the character of Galahad's mother. However, in the fandom, references to Dindrane usually indicate the Grail Heroine. Either way, she is one of the Pellispawn.

In Literature



Percival rescues her from an evil kidnapper and then lives with her and their mother, Yglais, in the Grail Castle.

Le Morte D'Arthur

Percival has two sisters: Alyne, who is engaged to Sir Myles but dies tragically, and an unnamed sister (the Grail Heroine) who becomes a nun. When she takes her vows and cuts her hair short, there is a prophecy that she should keep her hair in a box because it will be important. Later, she has a prophecy that she should go find Sir Galahad and help him with the Grail quest. When she leaves, she takes the box of hair with her. She ends up traveling with him, Percival, and Sir Bors. When they find King David's sword and Galahad gains possession of it through his worthiness, it doesn't come with a good belt, so she makes one out of her hair. Later, they come to a castle where there is an ailing lady who thinks she can be cured by bathing in the blood of a highborn virgin. Many people have been drained of blood on the lady's behalf. The Grail Heroine donates her blood, dies due to blood loss, and, at her own request, is set adrift in a boat with a letter explaining everything. She is buried when the boat arrives of its own accord in Sarras. Galahad and Percival are later buried with her.


In Grail Prince by Nancy McKenzie, she is the inventor of the spinning wheel. [1]

In Believe by Victoria Alexander, Dindrane and Galahad were previously romantically involved. [2]

In Fandom

Dindrane (or "Dindrane") is a fairly obscure but still beloved character. Fans of her often like her quirky [3], doomed, yet wholesome friendship with Galahad [4] and the rest of the Grail Four [5]. The friend group won an Arthurian Friend Group Tournament on Tumblr, narrowly defeating Morgan Le Fey's Morally Dubious Sorceress Squad in the final round. [6] She is sometimes interpreted as aroace [7], as being in a (chaste?) romantic relationship with Galahad (though they are more often shipped platonically) [8] [9], or as being in love with the lady she saves. She's sometimes seen as a "crunchy" character with a cottagecore aesthetic [10]. One uncommon theory has it that Dindrane and Percival are the same person. [11]

Fan Works




Archives and Links


  1. ^ [1]
  2. ^ [2]
  3. ^ Hair Belt Headcanon [3]
  4. ^ @taliesin-the-bored's favorite platonic ships [4]
  5. ^ Really Sad Arthurian Headcanon No. 1
  6. ^ "Arthurian Friend Group Tournament Finals!" @poparthuriana [5]
  7. ^ "Arthuriana has so many major aspec characters, and it’s fabulous"[6]
  8. ^ day#10: Galahad and Dindrane from @lucrezianoin
  9. ^ "so funny when people ship galahad and dindrane" by @friendofmordred [7]
  10. ^ @queerragnelle's cottage core headcanons [8]
  11. ^ "ok, so stay with me here: Percival and Dindrane as the same character" by @gringolet [9]