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Pairing: Damien (Total Drama)/Priya (Total Drama)
Alternative name(s): Priyamien, Pramien
Gender category: Het; F/M
Fandom: Total Drama
Canonical?: No
Prevalence: Common
Archives: n/a
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Damien/Priya, known mostly as Damiya or Primien, is the pairing of Damien and Priya in the Total Drama fandom, both prominent characters. They shared several shippy moments in season one of the Total Drama reboot and quickly became one of the most popular non-canonical Het ships in the reboot side of the fandom. Even after Caleb/Priya became canon in season two, it remains commonly shipped.

Damien/Priya one of Damien's two most popular ships, the other being Damien/Scary Girl, and is one of Priya's most popular, along with Millie/Priya and Caleb/Priya.

Common Tropes & Fanon

  • Opposites Attract - Priya is much more outgoing and energetic than Damien while he's calmer, more suave, and more cautious.
  • Height Difference - Damien is taller than Priya.
  • Scary Girl - She may be Priya's romantic rival in fanworks[1].

Fan Reception


Example/Notable Fanac

Damien/Priya Niagara Brawls episode parody (from Total Drama: World Tour) by 1sla__1 (2024)

Fan Art

Fan Fic


References/Further Reading