Daire's Fanfic Refuge

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Name: Daire's Fanfic Refuge
Owner/Maintainer: Daire
Dates: 1997 - June 2016
Type: hosting page
Fandom: Highlander, others
URL: http://www.amethyst-night.com/refuge/index.php

http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Academy/5674/ (2001, via Wayback)
Daire's Fanfic Refuge collection at AO3

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Daire's Fanfic Refuge is a fanfiction site. It allows adult het material but no slash. In May 2017, it was announced that Daire's Fanfic Refuge would be moving to the Archive of Our Own as an Open Doors Project.[1] The import was completed in August 2017.

The site was a member of the Forumland Highlander Webring, Highlander Ring, Highlander Fanfic, Clan Denial Webring, Fan Fiction Addicts Webring, Highlander and Methos Webring, Fan Fiction Collective.[2] It used to be hosted by GeoCities before it moved to a different location.


What's New (30 March 1999 - 19 June 2001)
What's New (23 June 2001 - 17 October 2006)


Hosted authors include: Ammaletu, Andi C., Anne S., Bapgipes, Boudica, Charlize, Charlotte D., Chimera, Daire, Danielle D., De La Torre, Jason, DeborahC, Delilah, Dive, Elizabeth, Elizabeth & Christina A., Fish, Leslie, Greathat, Gunnell, Stephen, JackMagist, K'Immielvr, KarenK, Karrenia, KickAir 8P~, KRyan, lynnann, MacNair, Mahalia, MissyD, Morrigan, Nutmeg9cat, P. Miano, Quicksilver, Rab, Raven,Ria, Roninja, Rowan, Utah HL Fan, Viking Lass, Whitehart, WildcatCDC, Willis, Adrienne, Wilusa

Fanfic Links

The link section was last updated 14 January 2002.

Fan Comments

A small Highlander archive that has a tendency to piss me off due to my inability to save stories posted on this site, but contains some good fanfic nevertheless. Browsable by author, summaries are kept on a separate pop-up menu. Graphics may make stories difficult to read. I wouldn't recommend this site at all if it weren't for the fact that some very good pieces can only be found here.[3]

– at Fanfiction Quicklinks by Moonbeam


  1. ^ Daire's Fanfic Refuge and HL Raven's Nest are coming to the AO3 (Accessed 22 May 2017)
  2. ^ Webrings, via Wayback: 2007. (Accessed 25 October 2014)
  3. ^ "Fanfiction Quicklinks - Moonbeam's Fanfiction Predilections". 2005-07-01. Archived from the original on 2022-04-09.